Shut the fuck up🙄

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We was still making out until we got interupted by someone walking in

it was mike and some lightskin curly headed boy

y/n:mike who that

I said before sitting up


y/n:well why would you just randomly come in here

derek:we heard ya,ya are mad loud

derek started laughing and then mike

y/n:stfu its not my fault speak to your friend here keep doing shit to me

mike:ohhh y/n you was enjoying that shit the way you was squirming around

then derek fell laughing

Y/n pov
I turned my head blushing hard as fuck

y/n:i-its not my fault

i was trying to walk away only to get pulled back by my hood by kobe and he wrapped his arms round me from behind and i covered my face

y/n:pls stop looking

and then kobe burried his head into my neck and my face started to get warm

y/n:i have to get to gym...

derek: oh we got gym too

we was all walking to gym and we had a free day so me mike kobe and derek all played basket ball tbh mike is very chill and kobe and derek and funny asf

derek:why dont we all go shopping afterschool

Y/n:sounds cool

mike:alright im going to bring my friend jaiden and gio

we contuinued to play into gym was over then we had lunch we was sitting at the lunch table all talking and getting to know eachother

afterschool we all drove home to change then we got in the car and they met up with another one of they friends jojo and we had to lap in the car jojo drove and jaiden was in the passengers seat and i had to sit on kobes lap and i didnt think anything go wrong

a few minutes into the ride i was getting uncomfortable so i tried to get comfortable and kobe grabbed my neck and pulled me back into his chest and started to whisper and moan into my ear my ear making me arch my back

kobe:fuuck mami

he said while bitting on my ear and i finnaly got him off and wrapped my arms around jojos seat "can you please hurry up i dont wanna be like this much longer" and jojo just laughed at me "We will be there in ten minutes"

y/n:ok thank y-

i was cut off by kobe pulling me back by my hair making me scream and arch my back

derek:yo ya good over there
he laughed


Derek:daddy you just gonna let her speak to me like that

He said acting sus us all laugh and we got out the car after we arived we got into victoria secrets and i started collecting perfumes and lotions and i went to go find some bras and underwheres and then kobe came up to me with a black lingerie


kobe:cmon babyy you will look good in it he said bitting his lip


i said turning from him and he just kissed my cheek

kobe:im still getting it
he teased

y/n:Im still not gonna wear it

kobe:we'll see

he winked

y/n thoughts
fuuck im tired of him giving me butterflies

y/n:stfu kobe

he grabbed my neck and pushed me against the shelf


Y/n:its not what it looks like

Derek & mike:what?

jaiden:they back her fucking

Y/n:stfu hes clearly choking me

jaiden:and i saw you bite your lip

jojo:yooo hurry u-

y/n:jojo its not what it looks like

jojo:the fawk ya doin back here😀

y/n:nothinnn myb

derek:well get what ya need ya can fuck when we get home


we got home and we chilled and went to sleep

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