FUcK yoU😫💋

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Y/n pov
I woke up in a bedroom and it wasnt mine and the last thing i rember was arguing with kobe bitch ass


Mike walked in

y/n:oh its you😒

Mike:well i can get kobe for you if you want?

y/n:no if i see his face im gonna fuck him up

and mike just chuckled as he came over and sat by me

y/n:What...whats funny??

Mike looks like what kobe told me is kinda true


mike:your a fiesty little one,yknow he told me about detention right

I decided to play dumb


mike:yea he says how you tried to beat him up,it was a pretty laughable story

Y/n:um i never got detention


y/n:yea why would i?

mike:i dont know because i dont think kobe woukd make up what else he told me

y/n:listen i dont know what your talking about

as y/n was walking towards the door kobe walked in and y/n got nervous because what if kobe did what he did infront of another person

kobe:mike nigga hurry up-

kobe:oh your finally up

y/n:Why am i here bitch

kobe:ah ah ah if i was you i wouldnt get a additude

y/n:whatever im out✌🏾

kobe gripped the back of y/n neck

kobe:no little nigga you stayin here

y/n:mike come out for a second unless you wanna see kobe get hurt

mike:id love to see this

y/n to bad get out


Y/n:im going to kill you

kobe leaned back on the door

kobe:id love to see you try

Y/n:fuck you

kobe pused y/n againt the dresser and pushed up against her body

y/n pov
i quickly grabbed his waist in reaction as my breath hitched and tried to push him back

kobe:you dont look like you tryna kill me now what happend?

y/n:shut the fuck up

Kobe:your hands are free,do something

i actually didnt know what to do so i burried my face in his chest embaressed as my face got warmer

y/n thoughts:ohh my goshhh


y/n:stfu bitch

kobe cupped y/n face and kissed on y/n neck making her arch her back

Y/n:kobeee omfggg

kobe started sucking on y/n neck and y/n tried to push him back and run because it was to much and he started sucked her sweet spot

And now y/n tried to fight him off as she let her moans out uncontrollably

y/n pov
dis nigga really tryna get me horny and its working but i dont wanna fuck his bitch ass but i cant get him off so i decided to call mike

y/n:MIKeEeE hELP

mike didnt answer because he left

y/n:FUcK yoU


kobe stopped sucking y/n neck and threw her on the bed and went over to the door and locked it and took his phobe out

what ya think is gonna happen next🤫

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