Wat the fawk😺💋

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As i walked off to class the teacher yelled at me for being late

teacher:YOUR LATE Y/N



y/n:peace out dirty ass cunt

and with that y/n left the class room

Y/n pov

Y/n was speaking to herself about the teacher

y/n:that pussy ass bitch smell like mad fish

i was just walking around the school still talking shit about my stinky fishy coohie teacher till i bumped into someone....it was.......kobe

y/n:watch where your going bitch

kobe:well if you was i wouldnt have bumped into you midget ass

he stemped at me to startle me making me jump back

Kobe:pussy ass

i wasnt let this nigga think im some kind of pussy

y/n:what bitch??


he then pushed me up against the wall and i let out a small gunt as my back hit the wall aggresively



y/n:oh hell no

y/n atempted to kick kobe back off of her but he dogged it and got ahold of her throat and squeased it tightly not to where it hurted but to show her his dominace

y/n pov

i couldnt help myself the way his grip was on my throat made it like he had full control over my body and made me horny but i couldnt let this fucker know what hes doing to me but my words was making it obvious

Y/n:I- f-uckinggg haaate youu bit-

I was cut off by kobe just laughing at me

kobe pov

I couldnt help myself it was so cute and funny seeing try and act tough but we were interupted by a teacher walking up on us


y/n pov the teacher is making me more mad

Y/n:f-fuuck youu

And kobe just stood there laughing

teacher:both of you detention

as we followed behind the teacher kobe was being childish and irritating me i swear who do he think he is its already bad enough i showed him how vulnerable i was  by accident as we walked into detention the teacher was about to leave out but i then stopped her


Teacher:yess dear?

Y/n:pls miss there has to be a misunderstandung i cant be in here with him he choked me as you saw i tried to push him off

Teacher:Um no nice try i saw ya making out in the halls


Teacher:listen y/n i have a meeting and its a good thing i caught you guys in the act

and then she walked out

I tought to my self fuck while she left me standing there in disbelief i was cut out my thoughts by kobe sitting across the class room laughing at me and that made me loose it he got me kicked out y
the class and in detention for the rest of the day all i could think about was beating the shit out of him even tho my back talk got me kicked out

Y/n charged at kobe (ran) in full anger and jumped at him but kobe jumped out the way and he just towered over y/n

y/n pov
i fell trying to jump on kobe and looked up seeing him towered me and he started waljing towards me making me back up into i hit the wall

y/n:WHAT YOU GONE DO NOW CHOKE ME (i kinda regreted that)


he pushed his body against mine and my body started going crazy i got butterflies every where only thing that came to my mind was push him back so i did and got up quickly running to the door so the wouldnt carry on i tried turning the handle but it was locked


kobe came up behind me and pinned me to the wall holding my waist

(you know how derek pinned kobe in that tik tok)

he went down to my neck and i felt his breath hit my neck making my breath hitch
as he put his hands inside my shirt and gripped my bare waist and my 😺 started trobbing and he gave me wet kisses on my neck and sucked it alittle making sure to not leave no hickies yet because we would get in trouble he went to my ear and whisperd im gonna make you my bitch and that shit was mad hott and i didnt want to test nothing so i just said nothing and he whisperd detention is over as he softly bit my ear and kissed it and we left out and went our sepred ways i still couldnt believe what just happend

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