F-Fuuuck you😫

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I finally got him off of me and tried to make a run for it but then i fell down


i looked back seeing kobe getting off the bed so i quickly got up and ran to the door and ran downstairs and ran out the house and ran to my house omce i got in i tried to go upstairs but my mom had seen me

mom:girl where the hell have you been

y/n:ma dont worry next time ill check in i was a friends house

mom:not looking like that

i looked at my self and my hair was a mess

Y/n:you know i sleep rough...

mom:mmmhmm..well go on upstairs ill call you when breakfasts over

Y/n:okay love you momma

mom:love you too baby

When i got upstairs i closed my door and laid back but then i got up walking to the windows to open it and the curtains and laid back down and my mom came to my room

mom:foods ready and your friend is downstairs btw im starting to think your lying

Y/n:wdym? What friend?

mom:ok 1 the one house you was at and 2 i dont think ya friends aint no way you "friends" with a boy that looks like that he is way to fine


Mom:shush and come downstairs

y/n:let me brush my hair

mom:okay baby

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my brush and aknowledged how messy my hair was but i brushed it back and went downstairs and sat at the table waiting for my food to be made

Kobe:hey y/n

y/n:hey-is all i said avoiding eye contact trying not to remember what happend

then mom gave me my plate and kobe a plate

mom:sooo guys what did ya do all weekend

my face turned red trying to think of something because how the hell am i supposed to actually tell my mom

Y/n:w-we just hung out

mom:mmhmmm and anything interesting??

i quickly turned to kobe who was hidding his laugh like i know this bitch did not just tell my mom🙄 then i quickly looked at her


Mom:well did you guys go shopping or anything geez

y/n:ohhhh...well yea but i left it at his house

mom:well go get them later on,i wanna see them

y/n:no,i mean kobe you can bring them right ??-I said souding despread

kobe:nah,can you come with me

mom:yes but take your time

then i gave kobe a death glare but all he did was caress my face and wink making me turn extemely red and i tried to play it off so i quickly looked down at my phone acting like i was playing a game

kobe:Your so cute

y/n:t-thank you

mom:omg are ya dating

y/n:MOM!...no,ever heard of a compliment

mom:i know but the way you blushed

y/n:its just to hot in here but its ok i said lying

Mom:mhmm well im going upstairs bye baby and kobe

Y/n:bye momma


Y/n:wth man you cant be doin shit like that especially infront of my mom

kobe:why not she seems like she wants us together

y/n:i know but thats embaressing

then kobe grabbed my throat and push me down making me lean back over the table
Then chocked me sexually making me horny the went down to my ear whispering dirty stuff making me more horny

i bit my lip to contain myself but my eyes started to roll back and i started getting alot of butterflies and thats when i tried to push him back but the started licking and kissing on my ear making my clit throb

y/n:fuuck k-kobee
i moaned lowly trying to contain myself

kobe:I told you thats not my name

y/n:i m-mean-

kobe then got off of me

kobe:nah keep that same energy princess

y/n:fuck you

i threw a broken crayon at him and ran to my room locking my door just in time then laid back on my bed falling asleep till i heard a knock


mom:girl open up this damn door

y/n:sorry ma

i got up opening the door then kobe walked in and sat on my bed

mom:alright ya be nice

Then she left so i closed my door

y/n:alright this is my room so my rules

kobe:thats only if you can make me listen but only i can make you listen you just only be bold but i can fix that

y/n:oh whatever-i said rolling my eyes laying on the other side of the bed then kobe came over cuddling me under the covers

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