Im sorry daddy😩

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I had woke up with kobe on top of me

I tapped him to wake up


y/n:c,mon wake up


y/n:you can wake me up but i cant

kobe:because im daddy

y/n whispered "yea aii" and kobe gripped on her neck and went to her ear and whispered "dont fuck wit me"

y/n:or else?

he got up and pinned her down and whispered "or ill tie yo little ass up...and make it HaRd too BreAthh"he teased


Kobe:watch your mouth

y/n:no bitch-

i got cut of by kobe squeazing alittle harder which was now driving me crazy

y/n:Fuuuck alright alright

kobe:alright who?

y/n:fuck you ian calling you that

y/n pov
Then kobe graabed aggresively me by my shirt and brought me close to him

kobe:i said whats my name-he growled

y/ sorry d-daddy

y/n pov
when i said that i felt my face turning red from embarrassment and i felt him staring at me while my face was turned i was avoiding eye contact

kobe:whats the matter?


kobe:why are you so red-he teased while caressing my face with his other hand making me turn more red

y/n:pls kobe...


y/n:i-i mean DADD-

he the pused me up against the headboard
making my breath hitch


y/n:d-daddy please-

kobe:nah you keep playing

y/n pov
he held me down and slowly slipped his hand into my pants teasing me and he started thrusting his fingers inside hitting my g spot and i arched my back and squirmed around unable to catch my breath

Then kobe started sucking on my neck and the pleasure was too much i kept try to push him away and run away but i couldnt

kobe:watch me snatch your soul-kobe said but before i can proccess what he had just said he started eating me out and sucking on my clit making me scream and grip on his hair trying to push his head away but it wasnt working and then he started thrusting me again while eating me out i tried to contain my self all i could do was scream and i was gripping the sheets trying to catch my breath

kobe:you like this princess?

i couldnt even talk or think correctly

y/n:i- haaaa- aughhh f-fuuucckk



Kobe:use your words baby

Y/n:i-i cannntt

kobe:you gone use them-he said thrusting deeper and sucking and bitting my bottom lip

Kobe:and stop tryna run you aint going no where

TBC  dont worry this time i wount take this long to do another part but let me know what ya think

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