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Y/n:unt unt boy back up

kobe:no nigga

y/n:Mmcht omg...


y/n:yes tf

kobe:do something about it then-he said gripping my throat

kobe:and i told you about your mouth

y/n:you aint my dad

kobe:but im daddy-he said now chocking me and i grabbed his hand trying to pull it away

y/n:mmcht daddyyy im tiredd-i covered my face with the blanket

kobe:fine...but say please

y/n:please can i go to sleep daddy-i said lowly


then we actually went to sleep

y/n pov
I had woke up and tried to sneak out the bed because i didnt have time for kobe bossing me around like who do he think he is tf

i went to the bathroom and used it and took a shower and a few minutes in the curtain gets open and kobe just standing there

Y/n:mmcht what bro?

kobe:im finna get in

kobe got undressed and got in and once he did he grabbed my throat squeezing it

kobe:and its daddy not bro

y/n:fuck you im not gonna call you that all the time

kobe:you are or im gonna fuck you till your paralyzed


I was about to continue showering till i got pinned against the wall and felt breathing on my neck

kobe:again loose the fucking additude before i make you

y/n:y-yes...sorry daddy...

kobe kissed my cheek slowly making me blush hard i got butterflies like how tf does he make me this shy its like he controls me mentally like wtf

i just kept thinking to my self till i needed to was my back...

y/n:d-daddy...can you help me wash my back-i said looking away

kobe:yes princess

He grabbed the rag and started scrubbing my back then i helped him wash his back then he turned around and i realised how the water dripping down his abs and i turned me on to the max and my body was going nuts i couldnt stop staring and kobe caught me staring and started teasing me he started rubbing my area with his finger making my breath hitch up

Y/n:k-ko-...I MEAN D-DADDY

kobe:thats what i thought

He started fingering me and going all around messing my g spot and i threw my head back i grabbed his arm trying to pull it away and i was at least able to kinda handle my moaning

Y/n:D-daddyyyy m-my mooomm-AUGHHH

Kobe:fuck it i want her to here you scream i want her to know how good i make you feel

he said whispering into my ear and i wasnt having it i tried to push him away but he pushed his finger imside and started going fast making me gasp and making my breath hitch

y/n:aughhh D-Daddyyyy-I said trying to find a way to maintain myself but it was no use

y/n:p-please daddy go slowerrr ughhh

kobe:fine ill let you off the hook this one time but play wit me again it wont be pretty

y/n:boy sh-
I deadass caught myself and covered my mouth and looked up at kobe who was now standing infront of me

kobe:what?-he said now choking me

y/n:N-nothing,Listennn it was a song

kobe:mhm so why you covered your mouth

y/n:because you s-scared me the way you looked back,listen im sore and i dont want any trouble so please if you would let me take a nap...daddy?

kobe:say please daddy


Kobe:or im gonna suck on your clit till you cant breath



y/n:fuck why do i have to do this just let me go to sleep damn your so bossy...fuck -i ran to my mommas room because i know where this was gonna go

mom:girl where the hell yo clothes at

y/n:m-mama i need your towel

mom:why didnt you just yell out for it

y/n:please ma

mom:fine,here-she gave it to me then went back to her bed and i was just standing there looking stupid

mom:What you wantt?

y/n:I-you see-

mom:no! And what happend to your towel

y/n:i gotta wash it?

mom:isnt kobe here and you running aceoss this damn house naked


mom:no get outtt🙄

Y/n:please lemme stay in here

mom:lemme guess you room is as well dirty?


mom:imagine lying,stop lying lul girl go to your room you aint stayin in here

y/n:mmcht,you must want me dead or sum

mom:whatchu mean by that

y/n:nothin,nothin-i said slowly walking out and closing the door i didnt see kobe anywhere and it was type dark tf all the lights off for and plus it was mad quiet which made my soul wanna hop out my body and run this shit was scaring me half to death i felt luke crying but it wasnt like he was going to actually kill me but i dont know what it is with him its like he controls my moods however he wants and judging from my mood right now i can tell you he wanted me scared i cant even imagine what hes gonna do now to put me in my place i just wanted this to end and my mom is sleep she really put me out here to die anyways-i was still stading outside my moms door and the way i was backed up against it was like i was glued to it litterally i was scared to the point i felt like i couldnt breath because i know he wont stop till hours later...fuck...just thinking about it made me regret it even more by the second

y/n:d-d-daddy...please...daddy im-s-sorry...

But i didnt get a reply and he still wasnt in sight


i said under my breath now my heart was really racing as i was about to take another breath i seen kobe staring at me from the conner of my eye making me agressivly jump and scream because wtf was he staring at me like that for thats not human tf i felt like i was gonna pass out then my mom opened her door

mom:y/n tf is you doing im in here trying to sleep

y/n:i-im s-sorryyyy m-mama...

mom:tf you all shaky for??

Y/n:n-nothin...kobe just snuck up on me and caught me off gaurd everythings okay mama...

mom:mhmmm..well dont be making noise now im tired as hell

kobe:sorry maam it wont happen again

she went back in her room and i quickly looked at kobe as he yanked me by my shirt making me wimper


No because kobe is hot as fuck😩🖐️

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