You cant even last 3 minutes😏

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Kobe:ohhhh shit im about to kill you...



He pushed me in my room locking the door behind us

y/n:HEY!...its not my fault you litteraly snuck up on me tired of you and your additude

Y/n:well you think fucking me senseless is going to make it go away? not

Kobe:yes it wi-

y/n:i dont think you noriced...but i dont like to be told what to dont like being told what to do...



kobe:yea...i mean i dont blame you ig you forgot whos in charge

y/n:oh well oka-

i got cut off by realzing what kobe just said

y/n:what?! y-your not the boss


y/n:fine?? you cannot be serious...whats the catch

kobe:well id say that you got a week to fall in love with me but thats to basic and lame

He said as he pushed me down on the bed by my shoulders making my breath hitch as he got ontop pinning my arms above my head

kobe:ill say lets see how long you last


i asked quickly as my heart raced

kobe:aweee dont play dumb now baby you know exactly what i mean...if you can least at least 10 minutes then i wont boss you around as much-


Kobe:fine...anymore and if you in charge

i mean it seemed fair but...i mean could it be? Idek if i can take dick like that even for the fact that im a virgin...


kobe:shhhh- i wont fuck you yet dont worry

he said as he gave me a look like wtf i couldnt even look back for long i looked away abit flusterd as i felt butterflies forming in my stomatch


y/n:sh-shutupp bitch!

like wtf im too shy for this type a shit i wanted to cover my face so badly but he had my hands pinned down above my head but i tried to break free but of course he was stronger

then he took both my hands puttin them together as he pinned me down with one hand and started to drag his hand down my body seducingly making me arch my back

Then he started leaving kisses all over my body and now i was struggling to control my moans because his lips was wet and cold it felt too cold i couldnt even think strait and now my clit was throbing


i said squirming around for him to stop as  i uncontrollably panting and trying to catch my breath as he dragged his tounge against the center of my stomatch i couldnt take another minute of this...


I had to let out a high pitch moan because my body is too sensitive for this shit and now i was kinda fighting kobe trying to get him off of me but of course he was stronger

kobe:oh come on babyy we bearly got anywhere and your already barely able to contain yourself...

kobe:how are you going to beat the challenge and your not even 3 minutes in?

He was right...hes only teasing me just imagine how it would be if hes fucking too submitsive and my body is too sensitive

TBC sorry i kept ya horny asses waitin anyways i hope you enjoyed

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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