BOOK 2 CH2: Northern Lights

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The rest of the day was fairly uneventful. I made sure to keep Justin's advice on hand, keeping the water on me. When I do feel like I'm going to suffocate again, I just throw some water down and faceplant. Also the dehydration isn't fun, but I had some bottles on hand so I was fine in the end. Preston settled in and ran off to do his own thing, and the boys and I ran off in our own separate ways.

It got dark fast, however, so I went to sleep.

Which is how I got to here, waking up in the dead of night, to blasting lights in my face.

I mutter some words of confusion as I sit up to notice my whole hobbit hole is glowing in a sickly pale green light, as if someone waved around a massive glow stick. It almost looks like I'm in some sort of unsolved mystery documentary.

My first instinct is to look around for the cause of the light, but it seems wherever I move the light follows me, so it must be something I'm holding. It's so bright, so incredibly bright. Honestly, my whole hobbit hole doesn't even need torches anymore, this light should be enough to keep mobs bay. Especially since it's so dark in here.

Instinctively, I pull out Kindness.

She's still glowing a bright blue and cyan, but it's definitely not the colour that's illuminating the room. So what is?

I quickly look around when I hear something smack against my neck, and it isn't a normal smack, either. It's the type of smack you'd hear when you dash a soggy cloth on the floor.

I pull my hair forwards to tie it back up, only to notice that my pony tail has turned a navy blue, and running my hand through my hair makes me realise how drenched it is. It's soaking, and I can't even squeeze out half the water in it. What is...going on?

I hear a splash sound on the floor and I look down. It's difficult to see, but I can just make out a block high layer of water across my whole base. I didn't even notice it when I got up. Maybe the water bucket I had from Justin spilled? It seems to be the most likely option, but when I check my inventory it's still completely full.

Well, darn. I don't even have any sponges on me to clean this up.

I trudge over to my crafting table to make another bucket, taking note of how easy it is to walk over there, whereas it would normally take me double the time to get to my crafting table. It almost feels like there's actually no water there.

Who knows, maybe I'm just tired.

I make the bucket using more of my hard earned iron and continue searching for a water source in the hole, but there's nothing there. I can't see a hole where the water might be coming from, either. This must be some sort of prank by someone, what else could it be? Then again, they wouldn't be able to hide the water source so easily, especially since the water seems so still. I lean down to touch it, and it doesn't even feel like water, just air. Huh.

I look around and catch a small reflection of myself in the mirror, prompting me to run up towards it in shock. After all, something..strange has happened to me overnight.

I touch the side of my face, scratching at the new skin that has inlaid itself there. No, not skin. Scales. Blue, wet and slimy scales embedded with a glistening green. Bringing my tentacles into view, I can see that they've got this glistening green on them too, shining throughout my base. My eyes have turned this same green colour, and they stand out from the rest of my face.

I'm glowing.

In my shock I stagger back from my reflection, slipping and landing with my butt in the water. The glow is amplified in the water too, spreading out quite far. I feel a lump rising in my throat and I faceplant in the water to prevent myself from suffocating again.

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