BOOK 5 CH 2: Because I'm A Liar

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I wake up the next day, expecting yesterday to have been a dream, but I wake back up in the hut again. At least, I think it's the hut.

So I'm still in Shady Oaks.

I don't know if I'd rather be here or in Last Life.

I get up, using the wall to stabilise myself. I do not feel good today. I must have caught some kind of sickness, because I feel overly dizzy and my vision seems to be blurry. Resting against the wall lets it clear up, but I must've hit my head or something, because I still

I don't know what to do. I don't know how long I can keep the lie up for, I don't know how long I'll be staying here. I don't know what's going to happen next.
I sigh and swing open the door, shielding myself from the sun as I start to walk outside. I'm not sure why it's so bright today, but it's hurting my eyes.
I just aimlessly walk for a bit, waiting for my eyes to subside and for something to happen.
And that something comes to me. When I get to the plaza again, something lands on my back and pushes me onto the ground. I hear another hiss and it jumps up and lets go.

I whip around onto my back, and Justin's dusting himself off, before holding out a hand to me. I notice that he has orange particles surrounding him.
"Just checking you slept last night. Looks like you did, though you might want to continue trying to get it."
"Uhm..okay?" I nervously laugh, and Justin laughs along. I rub my back, ouch, that hurt slightly. My chest hurts too, but that's because of the scar. I spot James flying over from behind him, looking mildly concerned.
"Justin, you can't just fly into him like that, geez!" James cries, patting my shoulder once he gets over. I flinch. "I get he hadn't slept, but-"
"I heard the ticking and had to check." Justin shrugs.

"What ticking?" I ask.
"Oh, right. Yeah, since I'm a phantom, every night someone hasn't slept, I hear this ticking coming from them. It gets louder and faster the longer it goes. And it's so annoying. Everyone has a specific..sound to theirs. That's how I knew you were spying on me and Tiff last night. Yours was so loud that I could barely focus. I have no idea how I held a conversation." Justin explains. I did notice he had issues focusing, but it still comes as a mild shock.
"Ah, alright."
"Speaking of last night-"
I cut him off by turning behind me and waving at Dan through his window. Nope, nope, we're not doing this today. 


"She- she called me a traitor!"

"Why? You didn't do anything to her! I was the one who killed her..."


Dan comes out and waves at me back, and Squid follows him. Huh, I didn't see the guy. They must've been having a conversation.

"Sup, BigB!" He greets. I turn back to Justin, who is just staring back at me, clearly annoyed. He seems slightly amused, though, because he chuckles a bit before going back to being serious.
"I see you're trying to dodge the question, huh?"
"Oooh, BigB screwed up?" Dan teases from behind me.
"Well, yes. Look, BigB, as I said earlier. You clearly weren't in a singleplayer world. What on earth were you doing when you were away?"
"How would you know that, Justin? God, why are admins so incredibly OP?" Squid jibes.

"No clue, Squid. And I'm not mad, honest. I just want to know."

All eyes are on me, as everyone waits for an explanation. What I lied about. Why do I constantly lie? It seems I'm prone to it, and it always makes things worse in the end. Now here I am, surrounded by those I want to call my friends, about to reveal some horrors.

"BigB, what did you do?!"
"I'm sorry, Lizzie. I feel terrible."


"I- okay. I was in this server- two servers, actually- one called 3rd Life and one called Last Life. In 3rd life you only have 3 lives. In Last Life you have two or more. If you are only on one life, you become hostile, and are allowed to kill other players and you die, you die permanently and there's this curse called the Boogeyman curse, and if you get that you get a scar and red-life style bloodlust, and you have to kill someone otherwise you turn into red immediately and I-" 

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