BOOK 3 CH 1: Stressed Out

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[A few days days post Squid's transformation]

I lay back in my bed, allowing myself to sink into the warmth of the wool that makes up the mattress. I'm tired, just...tired. The last few days have just been filled with worry and stress, with me having to constantly check up on the others if something's happened, constantly having to make sure they're alright. I care about them, don't get me wrong, I truly, truly do. But it scares me, it scares me to think that all these transformations are happening and the fact that I might not be able to help them. I don't know anything about them, other than Kindness foreshadows them and that these transformations affect us in the weirdest of ways.

Oh yeah. And Kindness is now after me.

I mean, I'm not too scared of her. I can taunt her easily, even if she can control us she's just a sword, and one that I've helped! She won't dare do anything to me, right? I got Revenge, for geez sake!

Either way, I've thrown myself into studying this. Honestly, I haven't been getting much sleep with how much I'm focusing on trying to stop these transformations. Yes, they seem harmless at the moment, but who knows if they will end up becoming potentially dangerous? It's already slightly screwed over James and Squid, what with James no longer being able to walk and Squid constantly needing to drink water to breathe. Maybe I'm overreacting but seeing a server I'm supposed to be an admin of constantly affected by a magical sword does sting a little.

You might be saying "Justin, only two people have been affected so far, what makes you so sure that something will happen again?"

And that's exactly what Tiff was expressing to me yesterday. She came to check on me cause I haven't really left my base in a while. Too focused and forgot to do other things. And we're Team Cup Noodles (Or Noodle Cup, however you see it), after all, she cares about me. To a crazy extent, she noticed me sneaking by a while go when getting Revenge and looking really concerned, and asked about it. Which I brushed off, but..ya know. 


"Surely it won't happen to anyone else, right? Just Squid and James." Cupquake sat beside me, patting my back kindly.

"I'm...not so sure." I mumble out, trying to focus on the book I'm reading.
"Only James and Squid have held Kindness, right? Therefore they should be the only two affected."

She made a fair point. But it was incorrect, she didn't know that I've held Kindness too.

"Tiff, I've also held Kindness. I'm pretty sure Dan has too, for a short amount of time."

She looked surprised for a moment then sympathetic.

"Ah, so you're worried that you and Dan will get transformed."

"I'm more worried that anyone could get transformed, let alone myself!" I accidentally raise my voice but as I do I stop myself and cough.

"Oh, I see." Tiff nods in sympathy again. "Do get out and do something though. It's concerning to see you constantly hunched over like this."

"I' it when I get a break." I say.

"Look at me, Think." I turn to her. "Promise that when you get a break you'll go outside and take a walk, or something?"

"...Promise." I smile at her.


Laying down in bed and thinking about this conversation, it hits me. Oh. I did promise her that when I take a break I'd go outside. And I am taking a break right now, no? So, I should head outside.

I jump up and grab a sword for my own use before heading outside. I just plan to take a walk, then I'll try my best to sleep. I slam open the door and walk outside, stretching my back. It clicks as I do so. I must've been sitting down for a while, huh? Looking at the sky, things seem brighter than usual. Guess it's earlier than I thought.

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