BOOK 5 CH 3: Second Curse's A Charm

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I drop the sword and recoil in pain, dropping to the floor. I don't know why it hurts so much to hold it, it doesn't have any curses on it, but now it feels like I'm being stabbed by needles all over. Repeatedly.

I check over my body to see if there are any wounds that have opened up, yet there aren't any. Not that I can see, anyway.
No, I can't see anything! My vision feels like it's widening, splitting into bubbles, the world feels like it's morphing in front of me. I try to keep my balance, but I wobble and fall onto the floor. The vertigo's killing me, everything's spinning around like I'm being sucked into a vortex. I can tell there's more pain in my back than anything else, it feels like there's something there but I can't tell what. I try to get up again, surprisingly staying silent, and try to wobble out the door. I don't have any potions of my own, but if I can call out to someone else I could escape, possibly-

I feel sick. I have to lean against the wall for support, but even touching it feels excruciating. My hands feel like they're on fire. I let out some form of whimper, and even the noise sendings pain down my throat.

Eventually, I hobble over to the door and start fiddling with the handle, just trying to stand the pain, but it's no use. Everything feels like it's melding into one, and I'm disoriented.
I don't get it open. I don't even manage to stay up on my feet.
I cry out as I fall to the floor.
As soon as I hit the ground, everything turns black.


When I come to, I'm in a completely different place. It's much brighter here. Though, maybe it's daytime? I can't tell. 

As my vision clears up, I can tell this..isn't my base. I'm on a purple bed, and there's purple carpet on the floor - a whole lot of purple.

Everything feels weird, though, I feel like I'm seeing slightly more than I should be. Something's just off about my field of vision.

I decide to try and sit up. I feel like there's a weight on my back, but I can't tell what. I'm shaking a bit, and I just feel..weaker, honestly. Then again, I did just pass out.

I look around this base. I can hear this loud buzzing. Who's base is this? Sure isn't mine.

I spot a mirror in the corner of my vision, and turn to it.

I freeze in place upon seeing my reflection.

Wait, what happened to me last night?!

I've got some black fluff on my chin, and no, it's not my beard. I ruffle it slightly, and it's got the same texture as matted fur. Do I have fangs now? I can vaguely feel them in my mouth, and I can see them in front of me. It's really uncomfortable. That's the least of my worries.

It seems that four spindly...things have grown out my back, hanging limply behind me. They're thin and boney. I focus and move one, it moves just like another limb. As if I had another set of arms and legs. Excluding the fact that they end in a point, sharper than any I've seen, they would be.

Instinctively, I bring one of the limbs up to my hand and I prick myself. The jolt of pain runs through, but it's not very long. What concerns me more is the silvery liquid that soon drips out of the cut, coldly running down my hand. I wipe it away on my jacket. It has the same consistency as blood.

That is my blood. My blood is silver. Why is my blood silver?

It must go with these other changes to my body.

The thing that worries me the most, though, are my eyes. I stare at the mirror again.

Eight red eyes stare at me back.
Six of them, the ones I didn't have before, have black scleras. I look around a bit, but still focus on the mirror. They move with me.

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