BOOK 4 CH 1: Seeds with Some Surprise

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I wake up to the sun shining in my face. I can feel the heat of the rays blasting onto my face as I sit up and block it out of my vision. Guess it's just another day in Shady Oaks.

What do I have to do today? Get more resources, that's for sure. I need to go to find snow, as a decoration for the bakery. It shouldn't be too difficult, but I still want to find some. Oh, and check on Justin and James. Squid too, actually. As much as I'm suspicious of him, he's still transformed like the others, so I don't want him being too stressed.

I get out of bed and start walking over to the bakery, pondering the happenings of Shady Oaks as of recent.

It's weird. Most of the dudes think that I'm naïve. Think that I'm not gonna be a danger and that I don't really matter. That they can do their dangerous, evil schemes in front of me and that I'm not gonna have any qualms. That I won't notice, too taken up in my cakes and my farms.

They couldn't be more wrong.

I'm a spy for myself, if I can say that. I can listen into conversations without anyone giving me a glance. Despite never having come into contact with her, and never having had her explained to me, I know quite a lot about Kindness. A possessive, possibly evil but definitely malicious netherite sword. I even know that Justin has the pickaxe stored up somewhere after going alone to find it, against Kindness's will. He's not very good at hiding it, really. I can watch deaths and even when they are suspicious, I play it off like I didn't notice, that I chalked it up to something else, and they laugh and forget about it. It isn't really hard when all you do is bake cakes and do nice things for the rest of the server.

Though, I think it's about time I stop being such a bystander and step in. After all, I don't know what Dan and Squid have planned with the withers, but I don't think it will be good. And I'm gonna warn the others, they deserve to know if they pull anything. It might ruin my anonymity but that's fine by me.

For now, I'll stick to the small talk and the comforts.

I head to the front of the bakery to collect any orders (none today, which is fine) when I get an idea. What if I make something for the people who are starting to become mobs? Justin called them transformations, I think. It might be worth a shot.

I have a look at my resources, when I see I have some cocoa beans. A lot, actually. That's what I'll do! I'll make cookies! They'll all appreciate it, I'm sure.

So I gather my resources and start to bake, soon enough creating a few batches of cookies. It's easy enough for me to put into bundles and into my inventory. Three bundles, one for James, one for Squid and one for Justin. Oh, and two spare, just in case.

Time to find the others.

Since the person whose base is closest to me is James, I go to him first.

It's not too far of a walk, and since it's early morning, he's awake, feeding the other bees. I can see him through the window, and he seems cheery. I knock on the door, and he answers within a minute.

"Mornin, Tiff! Whatcha need?" He asks, looking at me.
"Ah, I don't need anything. I just wanted to bring you some cookies! You know, to ease any pain or anything." I say, handing him one of the bundles. He chuckles a little bit, beaming.

"Aww, Tiff, you're too kind." He says, before hugging me. I'm careful when hugging him back, no doubt his wings are sensitive, they look very thin.

Someone squawks from in front of me. James releases the hug and turns around to see his bird, Pigeon, chirping incessantly. He lands on James' shoulder, pecking his face.

"Pigeon- okay, hold on, let me get you some seeds." He laughs a little, petting the bird's head. I can oddly relate to the bird, it must be annoying.

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