BOOK 5.5: Project W

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DanTDM sat in his home, staring at his chests. What was in them, only he and Squid knew. He'd spent an awful amount of time getting those. So why were they just sitting in his chest gathering dust?

A ping from his communicator snaps him out of his trance.

<iBallisticSquid whispered to DanTDM> So, are you doing it today, or what?

<DanTDM whispered to iBallisticSquid> Oh, you know I will be.

Finally, it's been so long, so long of waiting, and he's been itching with bloodlust. An insatiable bloodlust, circling the kill like a hunting bird.
It's time to take what's rightfully his.

Dan gulps down a breath before rummaging through his chests. Four soul sand. Three wither heads. A certain sword and a shield, and the best armour he's got. Just in case.

If you'd asked him right before all of this hybrid stuff had started happening, he'd be absolutely horrified at what he was doing. He'd wonder what on earth had pushed him to work with Kindness and not against her, and why he was going so far.

He wouldn't be able to answer his past self, if he was being honest. But he knew this was what he was doing, and he wasn't stopping for the sentiment of it now.

It was a whisper. A whisper in his brain, refusing to leave, just taunting, repeating, "do it, do it, do it, do it-"
"Get up, Dan! Do the things you need to do!" He yells at himself. He takes a deep breath in and checks the time. Daylight. Perfect.
Making sure no one was around, he steps outside and begins his malicious plan.


Thinknoodles was nursing his wing, after being caught in the sun without a fire resistance potion - again. What was up with him and forgetting to make them? He knows he gets burned out in the sun, but still keeps forgetting. It's quite embarrassing really. He's got to remember, if he doesn't want his wing flaking apart again.

Another poison potion on the brewing stand. He still can't get used to the burning toxic taste of it. He tries to drink it down as fast as possible when it's needed.

Suddenly, there's a knock at his door. He can hear a faint ticking. It sounds like tapping on metal - that's Dan's sound. Right now, he'd rather not go outside - just the filters of sunlight seeping in are hurting his eyes. He already had to put a tint on all his windows so it would hurt less.
"Come in, Dan!" Justin calls out, not looking towards the door. "I'm just making some potions right now."
"No, Justin, I want you to come out here." comes a deep sing-song voice in response. A shiver goes down Justin's newly-exposed spine. All his mental alarm bells are going off, ringing, loud. That's not Dan. That's not Dan. That's not Dan.

Justin paces quietly to his sword, grabbing it, but he can't keep his hand steady.

"Dan, you know I can't leave my house while it's sunny!" he yells out, trying to sound casual.

"Don't you have a fire resistance potion?" 'Dan' teases. "Come on! It's beautiful out here!"
Think swallows a gulp, and then grabs all the poison potions and the fire resistance potions he can. And his sword. Can't forget that. He barely registers the taste of orange in his mouth when he opens the door, staring out. He has to squint.
Dan stares back. Yeah, he looks like Dan anyway. But his eyes...his eyes are wrong. His eyes are blue, aren't they?
So why are they such a brilliant shade of purple?

You know why. Justin knows too.
Justin runs back, sword pointed in front of him.
"Kindness, what do you want?!" He hisses, and he notices his voice has a weird hoarseness to it.

"Just come on outside, Justin. I just want to have a little chat." Kindness smirks. Her smile is just a little too wide.
"I'm not going out there." Justin snarls in response.
"Well, then, I'll just have to bring it inside, won't I?" Kindness rolls her eyes. "Cmon, and I set it up so nicely."
"...Bring what inside?" Justin can't help but notice the slight fear in his voice. No, get it out! She can't know you're scared of her!
As soon as Kindness turns her back, Justin runs over to his ender chest and pulls out Revenge. He'd stored her in there just in case. Now that Kindness is looking for them, it's safer to keep her on his person, hidden in his inventory.
The door creaks open again. Justin whips around, wing bent to hide his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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