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I dedicated that chapter to strawberryskiezz as she always supports me and she is so kind!

It was a normal day at the glade. Minho, Thomas and the other runners were waiting for the doors to open. That moment the box arrived.
"I thought that it would arrive tomorrow." said Thomas worried.
"Me too." Minho replied."Well, let's go and meet the new glader" he continued.

Surprisingly, the box came with two people instead of one, a girl and a boy. Everyone shocked stood around the box for more than 10 minutes without saying anything.

The boy seemed to be in his adolescent, around 17. He had brown colored hair and dark brown eyes. He was approximately 5'9" tall.

The girl was approximately 16.She had strawberry blonde hair. Her hazel eyes were so pretty. She was about 5'3" tall.

The boy, suddenly, got out of the box and said "My name is Scott".
Everyone was surprised as he remembered his name and he was so strong to get out of the box without help.

Afterwards, Thomas helped the girl and when she was with the rest of the gladers she said "I am lydia". Teresa was so pleased to see a girl in the glade that she hugged her. Lydia felt weird but she didn't say anything.

Newt showed scott and lydia the glade. It was a peaceful place that gave you a sense of tranquility.
Then newt said "I have to admit that I am surprised"

"Why?" Replied lydia full of curiosity.

"You remember your name and you came together, something that has never happened before"

"Oh yes, we had hard time to make W.I.C.K.D let us in without losing our memories. Although I cannot remember Stiles that well."
"And who is St-"

"My best friend," Scott interrupted.

"If you don't remember his appearance you won't find him." Said newt. "Nobody remembers his life before the maze and also we don't know anyone named stiles, sorry" he continued.


It was lunch time. Newt, Lydia and Scott gathered with the other gladers.
Thomas tried to approach Lydia but something pulled him back.

It was night, everyone went to sleep. Lydia and Scott couldn't, they were so worried about Stiles. Would they ever find him? Was he safe? If they find would he want to go back? All these were their thoughts.

Some minutes later, Thomas was awake he went towards Scott. Scott wasn't feeling like talking, so he smiled gently and left.

Thomas felt weird as he had never missed someone. Lydia approached him and they started talking. They talked for hours, Lydia felt that they talked for ages.

"So, you are looking for Stiles, aren't you?" Said Thomas.

"Yes, I miss him so much," Lydia replied.
Before Thomas could say something, Lydia said " his last words were 'just remember I love you' and I never said it back" Lydia started crying.

"Don't worry, I promise I will help you and we will find him"

Lydia hugged him. She felt like she was with stiles but she knew she wasn't.

Lydia was so tired that she slept on Thomas' shoulder. Thomas liked it. It was his first time feeling that way.


Update tomorrow

I have already published the second part 😊

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