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The next day, Sonya wanted to get to know better the gladers. She decided to start with Minho, as she noticed that he was interested in getting to know her. Also, she couldn't forget holding his hand all night.

"Hey, do you want me to show you the glade?" Minho offered as he approached her.

'I quite expected that!' She thought. "Um- sure, why not." She said hiding her enthusiasm.

"First of all, we have three rules. Do your part. Well, some arrivals, Lydia, Scott, Malia don't have a job and Thomas doesn't work because he wants to spend time with Lydia, with the excuse that he helps Lydia to find Stiles. Second, never harm another gladder. Last, do not go to the maze, except if Newt let you."

"In my glade, where everyone was girl but Aris, we hadn't rules. Everyone worked for themselves but sometimes we helped each other." Sonya explained.

"Poor Aris" was the only thing that Minho said.

"Well, it wasn't that bad." She said laughing. "Anyway, what will I do?"

"You don't need to do anything"

"No, I have to do something. I cannot have you do my part while I am relaxing."

"That is really nice of you, but no. Now, let me show you the glade"



"Good morning" Thomas whispered.

"Morning" Lydia whispered getting Thomas hand to go for their daily walk.

"How did you sleep?" Thomas asked.

"Really good!" She said and saw Minho with Sonya laughing. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course!" Thomas said.

"What d-" Lydia didn't finish what she wanted to say because Thomas interrupted.

"Well, she seems a good girl, but I find it weird that she came here by a helicopter. Also, she is holding Minho's hand all the time, which is suspicious" Thomas said leaving Lydia impressed.

"Woah, how did you know that I was going to ask this and how do you notice everything?"

"I know you really well and I am really observant"

"I noticed it" they both laughed.

"What do you think about Sonya?" Thomas asked.

"I think that she is a really kind girl, who doesn't afraid to speak and to fight"

"How do you know that?"

"Her clothes. I can understand a lot by what you wear"


"Oh yeah, when I saw you I thought 'That is a sweet guy who would do everything he could to save his friend"" she said.

"By my clothes?"

"Yes and the way you looked at me and Scott. The way you look at me I can understand every thought of yours."

"And your eyes show me everything!" He said pausing for a moment. "I can see that you are thinking about me, but and Stiles" he continued.

"What are you talking about?" She said confused.

"You think that I am Stiles, don't you?" He said calmly.

"No, of course not! You are my Thomas, my everything"

"I can see the 'everything' but not the 'Thomas'" He said and Lydia weirdly looked at him.

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