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The next day, Thomas wanted to ask Lydia so many things, but he didn't want to disturb her! Lydia went to eat breakfast with Thomas. Chuck was there and he was a bit dull after Scott's death. 

"Hey Chuck, what's up?" Thomas asked.

"Good, you?" Chuck tried to lie but he was such a bad liar. 

"I am happy that Lydia has fully recovered!" Thomas replied. "I am sorry but I cannot stay for a lot. A really good idea came through my mind," Thomas continued.

"Ok, see you"

Thomas took Lydia and went to a strange place in the glade. 

"Where are we?" Lydia said giggling.

"It is a place that Newt took Malia for a picnic and they said it is beautiful" 

"I have a question! You don't remember anything from your past life and you are so romantic!" Lydia said surprised.

"It is weird, but what's your question?" he said laughing.

"Oh come on! What are we going to do here if there is not a picnic basket?"

"Can you see that big tree?" 


"Great, I have a knife, ok?


"We are going to write our names in it" 

"Does everyone do that?" 

"No, ok come close and observe!"

"Observe what?"

"Me writing my name" 

They both started giggling and laughing!

"Done, your turn!" Thomas said

There was written only her name not Thomas so instead of writing her name she wrote 'Thomas'"

"Let me add some details," Lydia said. She added a big hurt. Then she holed Thomas' hand and they kissed. 

They laid in the grass beside the tree. They were talking and having a great time. 

Meanwhile, in the glade, Newt and Gally saw something odd in Scott's eyes. His eyes were turning from brown to red and again. 

"Hey what's going on? He is supposed to be dead." Gally said

"Oh no, it is time....call Lydia, she is the one who can help him," Newt said.

"What do you mean?" Gally asked.

"JuSt Go aNd BrInG LYdiA" 

"Ok, ok" 

"Everybody find Lydia!" Newt said to everyone.

Nobody could find her. 
"I know where she is!" Newt said going to the tree. 

Newt took Lydia without saying anything. 

"Hey, what's going on?" Lydia asked

"You are the one who can save Scott" Newt said.

When they arrived at Scott's body Newt said "Scream his name"

"Close your ears!"

"Ok, thanks!"
"Scottttttttt" Lydia screamed. 
Scott woke up and said "Thanks, I am really tired!" 

"What happened?" Gally asked.

"None of your business, now take Scott to the med hut!" Newt said and Gally took Scott.

"How do you know all these?" Lydia asked.

"I am sorry but when you came you were holding a book, I took it" 

"Ok, don't worry, you were really helpful and you can keep it, I have pictures on my phone..." 

"In your what?!" 

"In my phone, I don't use it because there is not power"

"It sounds dangerous" 

"It is not. Anyway, do you know something else?"

"Not at all, but I think that many unbelievable things will be revealed really soon" 

"Like what?" 

"No time to explain" 

Thomas found Lydia and Newt talking. 

"Hey Lyds, are you ok? Oh no, that sounded so weird" Thomas said.

"I like it! And I am fine, Scott is alive!"

"What? That's so good! We have to tell Chuck" 

"Yes, but I think that it would be better if Scott told him" 

"Ok, so it can wait for tomorrow" 

It was time to go to sleep, Lydia and Thomas didn't sleep with the other, they were sleeping in the treehouse

"Who is Peter?"

"He is the one who revealed my powers. He is Derek's uncle. A long time ago, he tried to kill us all and then we set him on fire and Derek slashed his throat." 

"Who is Derek?" 

"He is Peter's nephew" Lydia said giggling 

"Can you give me more details?" 

"He slashed Peter's throat," Lydia said laughing. "Ok, ok he is the one who helped Scott control his power after Peter bit Scott. Peter came to beacon hills to kill Laura Hale, Derek's sister, in order to take her powers and then after Derek slashed his throat he became an alpha and he turned Isaac, Erica, Boyed and he tried to kill Jackson, my ex who was back then my boyfriend, who was also a kanima." 


"Oh, I forgot Peter is Malia's real father." 

"How bizarre"

"Yes. Now I am tired, so goodnight!" She said and she kissed him. 

"Goodnight, Lyds."


Hello! This is the 8th part. I hope you like it. Thanks for reading! If you wish you can always leave your feedback or even vote!

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