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Sonya and Minho were so happy, they were together and they kind of knew that Newt was alive as Sonya had heard Lydia saying that he would get better sooner or later.

"I can't believe that you confessed! I waited so long" she said with a sigh of excitement.

"Well, I can not believe it either! But, I am extremely happy I did!"

"Before you confessed, I was about to go to my brother and ask him to convince Lydia to organise something romantic"

"I asked Newt to organise something but then we had the incident so nothing was organised. Why would you ask him to convince Lydia while you could just go and ask her?"

"First of all, awww and second of all, because I am not that close with Lydia," she said and she leaned towards him.

Minho just gave a smile. "What do you want to do?" He asked.

"I don't know, I like that we are here, sitting together-" but before she could finish she heard Lydia screaming.

"What the hell is going on that girl?" Minho said, "we have to go and check what is their problem!"


Thomas gave Lydia a 'do you want to kill me?' look and she replied with a 'sorry' one and Scott laughed.

Minho and Sonya entered the Med-hut and Thomas, Lydia and Scott looked at them.

"Newt?!" Minho said and everyone looked at Newt who was trying to stand up.

"Oh my God, it worked! Meet are you ok?" Lydia asked.

"I feel a little bit dizzy," Newt said and Lydia went towards him helping him stand up.

"Can I try something?" She asked him

"I guess"
Lydia took a small knife.

"What are you going to do?" Thomas asked her. She didn't reply. "What? You hurt him!" He said.

Newt's injure healed quick.

"You are right, Scott, you have a beta!"

"Am I a werewolf?" Newt asked.

"Yes, Newt you are!"

"Bloody hell"

"That's what a beta is?" Thomas asked and Newt nodded. "How do you know more things than I do about supernatural creatures?"

"I've read Lydia's book" he explained.

"So, now you are super strong and fast you can smell and hear 10 times better than an average human" Scott told Newt.


"But you need to learn to control your shapeshift because once a month you will become crazy. I will help you gain control, we will start tomorrow, which means that you won't help with the garden for a while"


"You need to rest"

"Where is Malia?"

"Oh Malia, she is um- I don't know there are so many things that have happened recently"

"Like what?"

"The people who sent us here came and they told us that you are alive, that Teresa is with them and she reports every month, that the dread doctors corporate with W.I.C.K.E.D. and that Kira and Minho are siblings. They must have forgotten to erase our memories." Lydia said.


"Also, Sonya and I are together" Minho announced.

"Congratulations!" Newt said happily.

"Well, we have to leave Newt to rest," Lydia said and everyone left but Thomas.

"Newt, when you were in coma I found a necklace and I took it. I saw a letter but I never read it. Here" Thomas said giving Newt his necklace.

"Thank you, Tommy" Newt gave a small smile and Thomas left.


Meanwhile, Lydia was with Scott.

"Isn't it weird that we haven't seen Malia?" Lydia asked.

"Well, everything here is weird. I have my third beta"

"Oh, I forgot Liam. He is alone in beacon hills."

"Poor Liam. We have to find the way out soon"

"After you train Newt we will go again together!"


Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it, don't forget to vote, comment and share! Thank you so much for your support! Have a nice day!❤❤❤

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