Special Day

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After Jacob left, I layed down on my bed, thinking about how messed up my life is. Audrey's death, that incident with Noah, all those things.

I stopped after a minute.

~Time Skip-Many Months Later-April~

I was waiting for Jacob to arrive. Honestly it doesn't take that long for him to get to my house.

Today was my birthday, and he chooses to be late. Go figure.

Finally, I saw his car pull up. He rolled down the window and said, "Sorry I'm late, Ev. Had to pick up something."

I laughed, "You always have an excuse." Then I got in the car.

Jacob said, "Here," He handed me a box. "Happy Birthday, Evelyn."

I stared at him, but then opened the box.

*Necklace At Top*

Inside was a very pretty pearl necklace.

I stared at him. Even though he was looking at the road, he said, "What?"

I said, "How did you afford this?"

He laughed, "You'd be amazed how much money you get when your stepmom is a very famous, very "hot", as others would say, surfer and model, and your dad is a very famous businessman."

I laughed, "Well, I think it's nice."

Jacob smirked, "Tonight, you, me, Layla, and Noah are getting dinner together."

I said, "Noah still hates me."

He said, "Well lets just say I made him come."


We arrived at school and went our separate ways.

Layla said to meet her by the gym, so I went there and waited.

Finally, Layla arrived, "Hi Evelyn!"

She ran over and we hugged.

I said, "Ok, what is it?"

She pulled out a keychain.

She pulled out a keychain

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I stared at it in awe. I loved elephants. They were my favorite animal.

I said, "OMG Thanks, Layla!"

I hugged her again. Then the bell rang, so we went to first period.

~Time Skip-IHOP~

Jacob and me were waiting at IHOP for Layla and Noah. This was my birthday dinner. It was a tradition they had, where they have dinner at their friend's favorite spot. Olive Garden was my second. IHOP was my first.

Eventually, I saw Noah's car arrive. I think Noah was bringing Layla here. They walked inside and found our table. Noah didn't look happy to be here, but I'm guessing Layla and Jacob made him come. He said, "Happy Birthday, Evelyn." He smiled, but it felt more like an annoyed smile then a happy smile.

Layla sat down next to me, and Noah sat next to Jacob. They fist-bumped and Layla looked at me with a look saying, Boys.

I gave her a hug, and Jacob said, "Welcome, friends, to IHOP!"

We all burst into laughter. Then the lady came over.

We ordered our food, and Jacob said, "Don't worry guys, I will pay. I-"

"Have a rich family." Me, Noah, and Layla said in unison, and Jacob laughed and held up his hands in surrender.

We chatted for a while, talking about how much school sucks and things going on.

Finally our food arrived. We digged in and were done really quickly. I then said, "So, what are we gonna do now? Don't make me choose."

Layla thought for a moment, then said, "Party? I heard Taylor Manning was having one."

Me and Noah both said in unison, "NO!"

Layla stared at us. Jacob picked up his napkin and said nothing.

It was an awkward silence.

Finally, Noah said, "Sorry, Layla. But I'm done with parties for a lifetime."

He took a quick glance at me. Jacob laughed, "Yeah tell that to Mark's party we went to last weekend."

I glared bullets at him. Layla said, "Come on, Noah. You're no fun anymore."

I said, "How about we go to the arcade?"

Noah nodded and Jacob said, "YASSSSS!"

Layla's POV (just so you guys know her thoughts right now)

There was something they weren't telling me. For some reason, Noah and Evelyn have something against parties, and Noah glanced at her at one point, so I bet it's connected.

Evelyn's POV

We all went into the car. I swalked towards Jacob's car, but Jacob said, "I need to talk to Layla. You'll have to go with Noah." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to Noah and said, "Looks like I'm riding with you."

He rolled his eyes and said, "Fine."

We were silent for half the drive.

I finally found the nerve to ask, "Why do you hate me?"

He said, "Hmm? What do you mean?"

I rolled my eyes, "You seemed to have been forced to come here. You really didn't want me to come in your car. You walked away from me at school. What have I done?"

He sighed, "Evelyn, I don't hate you."

"Then why do you seem to try your best to ignore me? I don't want you as an enemy. Your a good guy."

He smirked, "I am."

I punched his shoulder, "Answer the question, dummy."

He took a deep breath, "Evelyn, we had a security camera in that room. My parents saw the footage and got mad at me. They were in Florida at the time, so they didn't know about the party. They didn't know you or me were drunk. They saw me and you kissing. And they didn't know who you were. So they grounded me. I wouldn't tell them who you were. I acted like I didn't know, which made them madder, but kept you and your family safer. But I felt that I needed someone to blame, so for some reason, I decided to blame you."

I took that in, thinking about how much trouble one drink could cause. Then I thought, It still wasn't my fault. He had no right to blame me.

Then the other side of my brain thought, This was partly my fault though. He just shouldn't have blamed me fully.

I said, "Well, you shouldn't have blamed me fully. But I was partly to blame. I'm sorry."

Noah said, "No, Evelyn. I should be sorry. I shouldn't have been an idiot."

I smiled, "Well, I'm glad we made up, Noah."

He smiled, and we pulled into the arcade.


So now we know why Noah "hated" Evelyn.

BTW I won't explain the arcade trip, but nothing important happened

so we are done and I leave it there and


-River C:

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