Luke || Aya

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You could remember the day vividly.

You had gotten meet and greet tickets to meet your boys.

You had been standing in line for hours.

And just as you had gotten up to the front of the line they were taken away. Luke had looked at you with a sympathetic look. It turns out that someone in the building had brought a gun, and was screaming 'kill Hemmings. Kill Clifford. Kill Irwin. Kill Hood.' over and over. You tried to run out of the building as the gun shots rang out. In your state of panic you had ran the wrong way. With tears running down your cheeks you ran into someone, falling over. Not only did you not get to meet your boys, but someone was planning on shooting them. You looked up from the floor and saw the light blue eyes you'd only seen through the screen of your phone and laptop.

"C'mon, we've got to get out of here." Luke was no longer with any guards, and the power had now gone out. "Shit. Get up!" Luke grabbed your hand and pulled you up on your feet. You had no idea where you were going, and Luke didn't either. "I should've stayed with the guys." You rounded the corner and heard a gun shot again. "OTHER WAY." Luke shouted and then picked you up, dashing. He found a closet that was open and ran you both inside. He shut the door behind him and put a mop handle under the door knob. "Is that how you do that? I don't know I've only seen movies like this. I didn't plan on dying today."

"Luke. Calm down. Just breath." You stated from the floor where he had set you. He seemed to calm down but it didn't last long. The door started shaking and the gunman shouted.

"You can stay in there as long as you want! I'll be here waiting! You'll have to come out at some point!!"

"God. I'm gonna die. I don't want to die- What's your name?" He asked now realizing he was in a closet with a complete stranger.

"Aya. M-My name's Aya." He nodded and looked around the closet. The only things in it were cleaning supplies, toilet paper, a sink to fill the mop bucket with, and shelves full of paper towels. And a plunger.

"Of course. Cleaning supplies."

"Luke do you not have your phone on you?" You whispered not wanting to speak any louder.

"I never have my phone on me. Do you?"

"N-No. I had it in my bag, but I dropped it when the gunshots went off."

"I don't blame you."

You were being held hostage in a supply closet with Luke Hemmings. Not many people got to say that had happened to them. You were shaking, cold, and wanted to get out of here. You were so close to crying. "I-I wanna go home.."

"Hey, we'll get you home. We'll be okay." Luke cooed, pulling you over to him, and into your lap.

"I-I'm scared."

"I know. I am too." In all your dreams you thought you'd never hear those words fall off of his lips.

It was hours before you finally thought of a plan. You crawled out of Luke's lap and slowly opened the door. The masked man was sitting against the wall, his eyes shut, and snoring. You shut the door and turned to Luke. "He's asleep. If we're quiet we should be able to sneak past him and run out of here." He nodded and stood up, and then knelt down. You slowly opened the door, Luke's breath on your neck. You'd dreamt of it, but never like this. You slowly creeped past him and stood up watching Luke do the same. As he stood up his shoelace got caught under his shoe and caused him to trip, and collapse on the floor. A startled grunt came from the location you'd passed, and soon enough a gunshot ran out through the building. Your leg became numb, and you collapsed. "Aya!" Luke yelled. The gunman stood up, as Luke also did and picked you up quickly. He started running towards the illuminated 'EXIT' sign above the double doors. Luke put his back to the door, opening it as he did, more gunshots coming from behind the two of you. As soon as you felt the cold outside air, you heard the sirens, and Luke shouting about the gunman behind him. He was lead to cover behind a cop car. "She's been shot in the leg." Luke explained as someone put a blanket on him while he passed you off to someone. That was the last you'd heard of Luke that night.

You had been checked into a hospital and had your wound taken care of. You were being interogated by the police in your hospital room when the door was knocked on. "Can I have a word with her?" You looked to the door and saw Luke standing there. The cops exited and Luke came over. "How's the survivor doing?" He joked. You giggled and smiled.

"Okay I guess. Still shaken up."

"Yeah, same here." He nodded looking out the window. "You know you get to know someone really well when you're being held hostage with them in a supply closet in a blacked out arena." He laughed. You nodded and watched him. He pulled out his phone and you laughed.

"I thought you never had your phone on you Hemmings?" You joked laughing.

"Well after that I do. And I think I should have your number so you can lead me through the situation if it should ever occur again." He joked. You laughed as you took his phone and put your number in it.

It was a crazy day for sure. And Luke and you joked about it a lot, even though the circumstance was insane. It was because of a gun shot that you got Luke Hemmings as your best friend and boyfriend.

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