✶- 𝖭𝖾𝖾𝖽𝖾𝖽, 𝖧𝗂𝗇𝖺𝗍𝖺 𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗒𝗈

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"Oh, you said you're so happy for me
That you always knew what I would be,
But where was the love when it was needed."

You sang along as the lyrics hit a little too close to home. Even though it's been months you still wish that you were in his arms. He was so sweet, like a happy child finally getting to play in the fields. Did you know that you guys would drift apart so soon? No.

Though the breakup wasn't your fault, and though he was the one that did you wrong, it still hurts, it was still so fresh, maybe that's why your brain couldn't grasp that it was him.

Hinata was your ball of sunshine, any time you had a rough day he'd be right there, happy to let you accompany him to the gym. He knew his affect on you, he knew the hold he had over you, why would he just let it go?

Maybe it wasn't on purpose, maybe it was, but the first step of grief is always denial. You wanted to pray and hope so badly that your eyes were deceiving you, but they weren't, your contacts were in, you knew what you seen.

Deny all you want, but that was him kissing the teams manager.

Where did you go wrong? No where my love. It wasn't your fault he was ungrateful with the woman the goddesses blessed him with. Maybe you were to strong for someone like him? Yeah, that's it.

He didn't need to cheat, leaving would've been better. Those same lips that spoke "I love you" every morning/night, those same lips that spoke comforting words, those same lips that kiss you, those same lips that made love to you, they were making love to someone else.

Maybe it was your fault for ignoring the signs, you guys were drifting apart anyways. He was always coming home late at night, He did in fact smell like someone else. Maybe you just wanted to ignore it. Why? Cause love makes us do stupid things.

Time for you to get over him. Only if you knew he was hurting just as bad, if not worse. He seen you walk in, even though he knew he should've been home, in bed, with you, he decided to join the guys for drinks. Instead of inviting you, he invited her.

Did he know Atsumu invited you? He wish he did. Maybe they wanted to set you up. At least you knew what he was doing behind those gym doors now.

She didn't have anything on you, she was fake, in all departments. Why did he want her then? We'll never know.

It started as a dumb bet, him losing it and having to face the consequences. Why would he bet if he knew there was a possible chance of losing? Maybe he wanted to lose.

The teams manager of  all people? Someone he see's all the time, who he interacts with every day while he's at the gym. Did she know he had a girlfriend? She did. Was she jealous because someone of a different race pulled the guy she's wanted for a while? Possibly. The bet was the perfect opportunity for her.

Though you didn't want to place all the blame on her because you knew, you knew Hinata would stare at her when you'd visit him. You seen him, but you wanted to ignore the signs, right?

A pathetic fool is what you were. Time for you to move on, and you did, physically? Yeah, mentally? No. You wanted to hate him so badly, but your heart refuses to go through that again.

"He looks happy." You said to yourself, staring at a magazine featuring him. 'Maybe it's my turn to be happy.' You thought. He's clearly moved on, now it's your turn.

You did have him speechless, believe it or not. Everywhere he turned he spotted your face. Who are you? A big singer in Japan of course. You didn't expect your break up song to blow up, but it did. You wanted your happily ever after with him, but it's clear he wanted it with someone else.

He's in pain, everyday returning to a place that's cold. Your warmth filled up the place, you were home, but now it's an empty space with things that reminds him of you. Your lingering scent was still in the air.

Oh how he missed pressing himself up against you and sniffing into your hair. You hair products were his favorite. Now he has no need to smell them anymore, you guys don't have the same hair type. He misses you so badly. He cries and cries thinking about what you would tell him if it was a different situation.

His house wasn't a home, instead a box that'll constantly remind him of what use to be. He should let you go, but he can't, he's to selfish to do that.

Some months later, you've moved on. With his teammate, Atsumu. You're such a good girl. He treats you like his princess, he treats you better than your old dude.

Hinata still sees you, why wouldn't he? Atsumu brings you to the gym all the time with him, he's always kissing on you. Hinata is still sad, he didn't want the manager, he still wanted you.

He still needed you.

Sooo how did we like the angst??👀  I had fun writing this, cool asl. Couldn't be me tho, but yh, gettin mula nd out doing them is the best taste for revenge.

Requested by: Potatopussy

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