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Anime: Seven deadly sinsX black reader

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Anime: Seven deadly sins
X black reader


"Ban you have to let her go, she isn't coming back." You said trying to calm him down.

"Y/n will you shut up, I know she isn't coming back!" He yelled.

"Well my bad for caring for my friend!!" You yelled back as tears began pouring from your eyes.

Truth be told you always had a crush on Ban. He's hot, strong, brave, and he knew how to cook, but he was always stuck on the dead fairy.

"Wipe your tears, there's no real reason for you to cry, Y/n." He said coldly. From there you knew he had no feelings toward you, not even as a friend. If you were to die... doubt he'd care anyways.

"Sorry for expressing my feelings." You stated with a dull voice; turning back to the cabin.

"You need to stop being so hard on her, she only cares about you." Ban heard Meliodas spoke from above.

"I didn't ask her to." He scolded; staring back into the night sky.

"When you start to realize you need her, she'll be gone. Enjoy the time you have with her." Meliodas said, heading back into the cabin to give you some form of comfort.

"I just wished you were here, you'd understand." Ban whispered. Reminiscing of his time with Elaine, the amount of love and advice she'd be able to give him.

He wanted to stay loyal to Elaine, just incase she ever did returned. The possibility of that being on the negative end, however he promised the fairies corpse he'd never fondle with someone else's heart, he promised..

'This is too fucking much, I need to drink.' Ban thought. He began to head back in the cabin; watching outside the window as you danced with Meliodas, you truly did look like a princess.

As he walked in your smile faded, instead of dwelling in your sadness you continued to dance, grabbing Elizabeth's hand and spinning her around. You both looked absolutely gorgeous, edible some may say.

"Captain." Ban said as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Ban." Meliodas responded; waiting for the fox like man to quickly state what he wanted.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow to head into the fairy forest, I may be gone for a few months. To talk with Elaine." Ban said.

"Enjoy yourself." Meliodas told him before returning to the dance floor with you and Elizabeth; twirling you both around as royals that were at a ball. You guys danced until the sun began to rise, just then Meliodas said it was time to rest. You drunk out of your mind and Elizabeth just sleepy trying to keep you happy.

After getting over your hang-over that afternoon you began to wonder where Ban was, as he was not sitting at the bar or on the front patio.

"Where's Ban?" You asked Meliodas; tying your apron on, getting ready to switch shifts with Elizabeth.

"He left for the fairy forest earlier this morning." Meliodas said as he wiped the bar down.

Your heart dropped down to your feet, he didn't even tell you. He truly didn't care for you, I guess that hurt the most.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Meliodas asked, as he had noticed you blanked out.

"Oh yes, of course I am." You said, placing your goddess braids in a ponytail.

"How do you feel about it?" He asked. It's almost as he could sense, or even feel, the worry you had for Ban.

"I don't care, he made sure he didn't last night. So why should I?" You responded; walking away to let Elizabeth know you'd be taking over.

As months passed you gradually began to forget about Ban and his issues, you were happier but there was still conflict between the king, the sins, and the people. As well as the Ten Commandments were back, Merlin predicted a big brawl in the next few weeks, so they were preparing for that.

"How do you think we'll do, captain?" You questioned Meliodas.

"I'd like to believe we'll do the best, to prevent as many deaths to the town people as possible. Merlin believes they'll attack when they know we're in the city." He responded calmly.

After them practicing, and Merlin telling you that you'd be great as a spotter, you didn't think too much on the brawl. But as Merlin said, they did attack while in the city, they attacked at the least unexpected time. Meliodas sent you in the cabin, he allowed Hawks mom to carry you to the peak of the city, where you'd watch from above, however you, nor him, spotted the commandment that seen you guys.

You sat on top of the cabin, watching from above. You then heard rustling in the trees, laying flat on top to see what or who it was. It was no other than Ban, and he seemed to be frantic, he began running towards you, you also heard Meliodas scream your name, maybe trying to warn you of something?

Just as you looked up you seen who they were trying to protect you from, a man with big beautiful wings and a spear, a spear you didn't feel until you looked down; a hole pierced through your chest as blood began to spill out of your mouth.

Ban grabbed you, while Meliodas delt with the sin above.

"Please don't leave, not yet." Ban cried. Your vision beginning to blur, he tapped your face, whispering to you sweet nothings as your pulse decreased.

For you were not a sin, nor of magical blood, but simply a human the sins had grew attach to from birth.


Heyyy lol

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