Emma second party part 1

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"Daddy Hallie's mommy and daddy didn't come for her yet" Emma says as she gets in the car, so they could head home to get ready for the second party that night

"That's okay Hallie can come home with us" he says as he gets in the car to head home with the two girls

Hallie was okay going to Emma's house while she waits on her parents to come and get her

"Hallie do you want to skate when we get to my house?" Emma asks as they head to her house

"Emma is it okay if i want to take a nap/" Hallie asks her

"Emma it will be best for you to take a nap as well, so i cans et up for your other party" he says as he continues to drive home from the skate place

"Daddy I'm not sleepy yet" Emma says to him

"Can you take one for me please?" he asks as he turns down the street where they live at

Emma didn't want to argue with him she was going to take a nap as soon as she got in the house cause she was starting to get sleepy from skating so much with her firiends that came to the party that afternoon

"Thank you Emma" he says as she goes to her room and Hallie went for the couch for her nap cause she didn;t want to interfere and sleep in the guest room that Logan had for guest that came to stay over

"Hallie you can go sleep in the guest room cause i don't mind at all i prefer you sleep there instead of the couch cause the couch can be quite uncomfortable at times" he says as he shows her where the guest bedroom was at in the house

"Thank you Mr. Henderson" Hallie says as she goes to the guest bedroom to go lay down for a little bit since she was quite sleepy at the moment

"You are quite welcome Hallie if you need anything doesn't hesitate to ask cause I will be more then happy to help you" he says to the little girl

Hallie closes the bedroom door and goes to sleep like a good little girl

"Oh no" Logan says as he looks at the calendar and he sees the big pillow there

"What is it Logan?" Carlos asks him

"I forgot is Emma sleepover on top of her second party that we are having for her" Logan says as he figures out where the girls were going to sleep at tonight

"Logan I'll go get some tents and the girls can sleep out in the yard" Carlos says as he leaves to go shopping for camping gear cause he was excited about this as well

"That sounds like a plan and if it rains the girls can sleep in the basement where it is carpeted and the girls can spread out" Logan says as he heads down there cause all three of the girls were fast asleep at the moment right now

Logan was figuring out where everyone was going to sleep at that night. Once he did he starting making space for the sleeping bags and the air mattresses that will be coming that night for the sleepover


"Logan it started to rain I guess the girls are sleeping in here" Carlos says as he returns with the tents for the night

"That's fine I can have the fireplace going and they can make s'mores which I got for the girls" Logan says as he goes up cause he heard Bella on the monitor

Logan heads to her room to see what her problem was

"It's okay Bella daddy is right here" he says as he gets her out of the crib to hold her in his arms

Bella settled down as soon as daddy rocked her in his arms

"It's okay baby doll" he says as he kiss her as he gets ready for the second party which was going to be him and the guys and whoever comes to her sleepover that night

Logan was able to get the rest of the party set-up while holding Bella who was still fussy

"It seems you have a bit of colic love" he says as he starts to rub her back to get her to calm down that way since rocking wasn't working at all

Logan was trying everything to get Bella to calm down

"Sweetie you are with daddy nothing can harm you" he says as he takes her out to the car to take her for a drive to get her to calm down since she already ate, her diaper was dry as could be, and he burped her already

(Much later)

Logan came back and Bella was still quite upset

"Daddy is Bella okay?" Emma asks when Logan came back in with her in his arms

"Bella isn't feeling good, but don't worry that won't stop the part from going on as planned" he says as he takes Bella to her nursery

Emma was worried about her baby sister she didn't want nothing to happen to her 

"Emma it's going to be okay daddy is going to help Bella out with what is her trouble cause she can't talk like you can the only way she communicates is crying" Carlos says as she hugs the little girl who was worried about her baby sister

"Emma are you okay?" Hallie asks her after she came from the guest room where she was sound asleep at

"Her baby sister Bella isn't feeling very good right now is all, so she is worried about her" Carlos says as he takes the girls down to the basement, so they could get ready for the sleepover that night

"How is Marie going to come downstairs?" Emma asks Carlos 

"Your daddy got a chair lift for her, and she can sleeep on the air matress that I got for her, sos he could sleep comfortably

That made Emma feel a lot better about her sleepover that she is having that night with her second party especially the sleepover that was going to follow that evening

"Emma, Hallie want to go shopping for food for your friends and get the second cake and balloons?" Carlos asks them

Emma nods as she goes and gets her shoes and everything to go see her second cake and her balloons for her second party which she was excited for

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