Emma meets her sisters

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Logan was okay with that as he held Allie who was sound asleep on his shoulder cause she already loved her new daddy

"You can put Allie down in her room while we are signing the paper work for her" Ms. Flint says to him

"I'll hold her I don't mind at all cause i can see she is ready to fall asleep in my arms" he says as Allie sleeps peacefully on his shoulder still and wasn't moving at all cause she loved Logan as her daddy

"Suite yourself" Ms. Flint says to him as they go to her office to do the paperwork on the girls

Logan signed the papers for the girls and was ready to go with the girls cause he wanted to show Emma her new sisters that were joining the family for good, and he knew Emma was going to be shocked to see three sisters, and not one like she wished for

"Allie go pack your things" Ms. Flint to her 

Allie shakes her head no at Ms. Flint as she hugged Logan tight cause the yelling woke her up 

"Go pack your things or you you won't be going with Mr. Henderson" Ms. Flint says to Allie

"Go doodle bug daddy will be right here waiting for you when you come back" he says to Allie as he sets her down to get her things so she could leave the orphanage with him and the two other girls

Allie stayed close to Logan no matter what she wanted him to be there for her 

"Allie you won't go with Mr. Henderson you are staying here" Ms. Flint says yelling as she shreds the paper that Logan had signed for Allie to come home with him

"Sweetie please do it for daddy cause you have a big sister that is waiting at home for you" he says to Allie to make her feel better

"Sorry Allie go back to your room now" Ms. Flint says to her as the three year old's come into the room cause they heard the yelling as well

"Hey girls ready to go?" he asks the girls when he sees them 

They shake their head no

"well girls you ain't going to be adopted either Mr. Henderson be on your way" Ms. Flint says to him 

"No I ain't leaving here without my girls so I would like the paperwork to adopt Allie and the girls" Logan says as he pulls out his phone to call the cops cause Ms. Flint wasn't being nice at all with him and he didn't like that at all about her 

"Well you ain't taking them be on your way now" Ms. Flint says to him as she shoves him out the door to head out 

Logan calls the cops and the cops were there in no time and he was able to walk out with his girls minutes later

"Okay Allie daddy got you a car seat" he says as he buckles her in her car seat 

Logan made sure the straps were in the right location as he buckled her in her car seat so they could go home and get settled in for the night 

"Girls you get to ride in the back with Allie for now cause we get to go to the school house and see your big sister Emma who has been waiting for you Allie" he says as he helps the three year old's in the van so they could head to the school, so Emma could see her sisters and maybe meet them as well cause this will be the first time that the girls will meet before they get to meet the babies that were with Kendall right now and having a good time 

The girls were excited to meet their big sister for the first time 


"Allie daddy has to carry you into the building cause there is a lot of kids that are bigger then you" he says as he gets her out of her car seat since the three year old's sat close to her on the van ride from the orphanage to the school 

Allie was okay with that as daddy carried her into the school, so she could meet her big sister for the first time. Logan got a pass and he headed down to Emma's room with the girls in tow 

"Hi daddy" Emma says when she sees her dad come into the room 

"Hi Emma" he says as he sits down with Allie who was starting to go to sleep as he held her in his arms, and one of the three year old's went by Emma to see her for the first time  

"Emma would you like to introduce us to your guests?" the teacher asks Emma 

"Yes I would" Emma says as she has daddy Logan go up to the front of the classroom with her so she could introduce her new sisters to the class 

Logan goes up with her since Allie fell right to sleep as he was rocking her gently side to side to keep her calm, and the other three year old stood close to him since the big kids were scary and she did not like them at all  

"Everyone these are my new sisters" Emma says to the class as the one three year old holds tight to her sister's hand

"What are their names Emma?" the teacher asks her

"The one I have is Alexandria or Allie for short and she is a year" Logan says as he continues to rock Allie side to side as she slept cause she liked that from daddy right now 

"These are?" Emma asks as she looks at her father for the name's of her other sisters cause she was surprised that she has two other sisters

"Right now I have to find out their names so they go by Henderson for right now" he says as he refers to the girls that were close by Emma right now scared as can be cause the kids that were in the classroom were much bigger then them 

"Emma they are cute and you will be a great big sister to them" her teacher says to Emma as Logan got ready to leave to go home, but he had to pick the babies up from Kendall's first and then he was going to take all of the little one's home and get them settled in their new lives 

Emma smiles and kisses her sisters before they left to go home with daddy

"Bye Allie" Emma says to her sister that was being held by Logan as they left the classroom to go get the others cause Logan had to get the two other little ones that were with Uncle Kendall, and those two will have to get to know the other members of the Henderson family 

Allie waves as she says bye-bye to sissy 

"Allie you will see sissy later when we come and get her" he says as he was leaving with Allie and the three year old's who were scared of the big building that they were in

V & C

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