Emma sees her baby sister and Isabella comes home

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Emma was enjoying her time with daddy, and at home cause the next day she was going to be going to kindergarten for the first time as a Henderson. She was a bit nervous

"Daddy will the kids like me?" she asks at dinner that night

"Why will you say that?" he asks her

"I don't know?" she shrugs

"Of course they will like you sweetie no matter what" he says as he takes her small hand in his to assure her that the first day is going to go good

"Thanks daddy" she says with a smile as she continues to eat her supper

Logan could tell that she was really scared for tomorrow, but he knew it will be best for her to help her heal from this incident

"I'll tell you what you can take one of your stuffed animals, and one of the CD's that has me on it, so you know I am always there for you no matter what cause i love you with all my heart" he says as he gives her a hug cause he could tell that she neded one

"When do we get to see sissy?" she asks as she wipes her eyes from the tears that started to form in her eyes

"After i do the dishes sweetie" he says to her

"Okay" Emma says as she goes to the playroom to play with her Barbie's at the moment

Once Logan was done with the dishes him and Emma headed to the hospital to see her baby sister


"Can i get something for sissy?" she asks him

"Sure i don't see why not" he says as they stop in the gift shop to see what they had for sissy

Emma picks out a stuffed animal for her baby sister to have in her little hospital bassinet since she isn't coming home until tomorrow. Logan gets another diaper bag just in case the baby came home that night

"I'll be shocked if they release sissy tonight" he says as they board the elevator to go up to the maternity center to see the baby that was going to be Emma's sister

"Yes we are here to see baby girl Henderson" Logan say to the nurse that was by the window of the maternity center

"Yes she is eagerly awaiting daddy to come in and feed her" the nurse says as he let's him and Emma in, so she could meet her baby sister

"There she is Emma" he says when he spots the baby girl crying out for her daddy to come in and feed her dinner

Emma was in aww when she saw the little baby crying up a storm

'It's okay sweetie daddy is right here" he says as he takes the baby from the nurse, so he could feed her

The baby immediately settled down in his arms

"She has my brown hair" Emma says whens he saw the baby

"Yes princess, and it nice and curly" he says as he guides the bottle to the baby mouth, so he could feed her dinner

The baby took the bottle happily for her daddy

"What do you think of the name Isabella Raya Henderson?" he asks Emma

Emma had to think for a minute

"I like the name daddy" she says happily as she strokes her baby sister wrist as she eats her dinner from daddy

"That's good remember I am going to love you and her the same" he says as he hugs Emma a little bit, so he could start the bonding with the two girls

"Can i feed her daddy?" Emma asks him

"Sure I don't see why not" he says as he gets up, so Emma cold sit in the big rocking chair to feed her baby sister for the first time

Isabella didn't like being handed off to someone different

'It's okay Isabella I'm Emma your big sister" Emma says as she guides the bottle back to her sister, so she could continue eating

Logan gets a picture of his two daughters together cause this moment was too good to pass up right now

"Are you done sugar?" he asks when Isabella started to squirm in Emma's arms

Logan picks her up and burps her, and she let out some good burps for her daddy that night. Once she was burped Logan laid her down to change her stinky diaper which Emma ran out of the room

"There we go you are all better doodle bug" he says as he wraps Isabella back-up in her blanket

"Mr. Henderson the baby can be released tonight to you" the nurse says as she comes into the nursery to check on the new dad to see how he was doing

"Emma run down to the gift shop and pick out a cute outfit for Isabella to wear home" he says to her

"No need to do that we are going to put Isabella in a cute onesie, so when you get her home you remember to put her on her back in her crib or bassinet" the nurse says as she takes Isabella's hospital gown off her, so she can have a bath before she goes to her new home

Logan and Emma got to give Isabella her first bath that night, and Isabella didn't like it at all

"It's okay sweetie we are almost done with your first bath" he says as he finishes up her bath that night

The nurse puts a new diaper on Isabella, and the onesie for Logan, so he knows how to put her that night when they got home with Isabella

"Time to take you home now" he says when Isabella was handed to him

Emma got to carry all of the papers, and the care video that Logan had to watch in the diaper bag that Logan got from the gift shop that night

"Daddy is parked right out here" he says as he takes Isabella to his car

Emma gets in and buckles herself in while daddy took care of Isabella

"There we go you are all secured, and now it is time to take you home Isabella Henderson" he says as he gives her a kiss on her little head

On the way home Emma gave Isabella the stuffed animal that she bought for her at the hospital gift shop, and Logan couldn't get enough of his girls, and he knows they will turn out to be best friends down the road

(Logan's place)

"Here we are Isabella your new home" he says as he pulls into the garage with Emma and her in their car seats

Emma goes in and goes straight for her room cause she had to get up the next day for school

"Night Emma I'll be in to tuck you in" he calls to her

"Okay daddy" Emma calls back

Logan grabs the diaper bag that he got at the gift shop, and gets Isabella, and brings her into the house, and takes her into the house

"Daddy going to show you your nursery" he says as he takes her to her nursery

Logan places Isabella in her crib

"It's okay sweetie" he says as he strokes her tiny cheek

Logan sings her Invisible, and she was out like a light

"Welcome home Isabella" he says as he goes to Emma's room to tuck her in

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