First grade

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"Emma we have to go back to school shopping cause you go back in two weeks" Logan calls to her cause he wanted to get her ready to go back to school and this time she was going to be in the first grade so it was a big deal

"Okay I know I have to go back," she says as she was going to go cause James and Carlos was going to watch the others while Logan and Emma went back to school shopping for Emma cause she needed a little more than in the past

"First is the mall to go looking and shopping for clothes," he says as they head to the car

"Will you date so I can have someone to call papa or mommy?" she asks him

"Yes sweetie I am going to see someone in time right now you girls are enough for me," he says as he looks at her

Emma was happy about that right now and she could not wait to see who her dad was going to date

"Are you hoping you have your friend with you this year?" he asks her

"I hope daddy they can't break us up at all," she says cause she knew who he was talking about right now

"I know they can't," he says as he was still driving to the mall to get Emma ready for school

(Hours later)

Emma was totally ready for school and she could not wait to go back in a few weeks cause she was missing her friends

"All we have to do is wait to see which teacher you have then we are ready to go" he says as they were leaving the mall to go back home

"Yup can we stop to see Marie" she asks him

"Sure we can sweetie," he says as he goes to her house for the time being so Emma could see her friend that she was missing so much right now so she had earned it

Emma was excited to see Marie again and catch up on the summer and Logan was going to check on Ms. Marigold to see how she was doing right now cause they were going to send her out again

(Weeks later)

Logan went to get both Emma and Marie up cause it was the first day of school. Logan got Marie and her sister a few days before school started cause he wanted to get a routine in with them and everything else cause Logan got Marie van that she needs for her wheelchair so she could go to her appointments as needed while her mom was away serving once again

"Morning girls ready for the first day of first grade?" He asks as they entered the kitchen cause Logan got the elevator installed before he got the girls and Marie was loving the independence that she had and could get right now

"Yes daddy" Emma says as she was going to have her breakfast that morning cause they had to get going cause the girls were together per Ms Marigolds request cause she was in the army and Marie needed her friend right now if her mom gets killed in the line of duty and Marigold already arranged for Logan to take care of her and her sister as well cause he loved those girls like his own cause he had plenty of girls that will be there for Marie

Logan did the girls hair cause he wanted it to be perfect for the first day of school as well and Marie had the flag on her chair for her mom

"Can I talk to my mom before I go to school?" Marie asks him

"Sure I don't see why not" he says as he was going to set it up cause they could talk as he was doing her hair cause she was dressed and all she had to do was brush her teeth and she was set to go to school

Logan checked to see what Marie's mom was doing right now cause that was going to give him a good window to see how long they could talk right now before they went to school

"Emma go see about your siblings and see if they are awake or asleep cause I need to know if i need to call Kendall to have him come over" Logan says as he was making the call right now  

Emma did what she was told and went to check on her siblings as well 


"They are up daddy" she says as she was coming down with almost all of the younger ones and she had the babies that could not go down on their own right now  

Logan was going to call Kendall to see if he could come over while Logan took the two girls to school and stay with the younger ones 

"Emma can you give the younger ones their breakfast then I will do your hair" he asks her

Emma did what she was told and she started on her chore chart she had cause she had a lot of chores and the older younger ones had a chart as well and they helped as much as well 

(Much later)

"Emma, Marie come on" he calls to them 

The girls went out to the van so they could go to school 

"Buckle up please" he says cause he took Marie's baby sister with them cause the school wanted to see the baby so he was taking her to the first day and he was gong to update the school on what is going on 

More is coming for sure like the actual school day and later Marie will get the news she doesn't want to hear, and probably is a topic some of my readers can relate to  

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