Seeing about Emma preview

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Another preview until i can get the full chapter up as soon as i can with my schedule and everything since I'm working two jobs and all have different schedules as well, so updates will vary week to week depending on how I work and where I work as well

"Perfect the younger one's need some new clothes and i can get some new clothes for myself" Logan says as he got the strollers out so the little ones were safe as they went into the mall to go shopping and have some fun on his birthday and spend time with the kids too cause he loved the girls with all his heart, and he would move mountains for them

Logan loved going to the mall with the guys cause it was relaxing and it felt good to be back together and hang out with the younger one's as well since Emma was sick and he didn't want the younger ones to get it too


"Okay let's get some lunch and see how Emma is doing" Logan says as he left the mall with the younger ones that fell asleep in their strollers after they made their stuffed animal at build a bear and Logan loved that a lot cause they made him one too for his birthday

The guys helped Logan with the little one's before going to get lunch at one of the cafe's that were close by and was quick and easy for him cause he wanted to get home and see Emma and see how she was feeling since she was under the weather, and he wanted to see if she was going to get the chicken pox's or what was up with her and why she was so sick all of a sudden

"Don't worry Emma daddy is coming" he says as he grabbed lunch and headed for the cars so he could go home to her

Logan got everything loaded up and headed home to see little Emma his little princess his first princess

(Logan's house)

"Hey Emma: he says as he came into her room to check on her

Emma waves and tried to sit up

"Emma don't save your strength sweetie daddy will take very good care of you" he says as he looks at her as he went to sit with her as she wanted to talk to daddy

Logan fluffed her pillows for her and checked her temperature to see if it dropped any since she came home earlier in the day and she has been sleeping like an angel which worried Logan a lot cause she was his little girl and she never got sick she was pretty healthy up to this point

"Would you like anything Em?" He asks her after he had fluffed her pillows for her

She nods and write it down for daddy so he could take care of her since she was weak

"Okay I'll get you some cool aid sweetie" he says as he left her room to go and get the beverage that she wanted to drink

Emma smiled a little bit as he left the room to go and get her drink she asked for

"I'll be back" he says as he left the room to go to the kitchen to see what flavor she might want and he knew what flavor she likes and that was cherry or grape, and he was going to have the guy's head out for some more cool- aid for her since she loves that stuff

Logan was going to have her eat a little ice cream as well something soft, so she won't choke as she was eating a little bit and then he was going to go from there with her and get her better and back to her old self which he missed most about her cause she was a bubbly girl with a great personality to match always helpful and caring with her siblings. He hoped that the others won't get it and all of them will be sick at various times as well which he didn't want and if it happened it happened, he was going to take it slow

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