Emma second party part 2

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Emma was really excited and couldn't wait until that night to have her second party with her friends who were girls from school, and her second family who really loves her for who she was

"Emma you are going to love the second cake cause nothing is too good for my little girl" Logan says as he drives to the bakery where her second cake was done at

Emma was excited to see it

"Here we go princess" he says as he gets her out of the car, so he could take her in to see her cake that he had made for the occasion

"Yes sir may i help you?" the clek asks him

"Yes I have a pick-up name Henderson" Logan says to the clerk

"Yes it is right back here I'll go get it was just finished" the clerk says as she goes back to get the cake for Emma, so she could see it

"Here is your cake" the clerk says as she brings the cake by window so Emma could see it

Emma was blown away when she sees the dolls that she had back at the house and herself as a doll on top of the cake 

"Daddy this is the best cake ever" Emma says when she sees Happy birthday Emma done in the script that is used for the American girl logo

"I knew you would love it baby girl" he says as he pays for the cake

Emma was excited to eat it cause she was hoping daddy got her favorite flavor, but she was ready to have a new flavor to have as her favorite

"Now to get your balloons, and then we will go out for your birthday dinner" he says as he heads to the balloons store where he had ordered the balloons for her party

(Much later)

"Emma go put on your birthday shirt that i had made for you" he says as he brings the balloons and the cake into the house

"Okay daddy" she says as she heads to her room to get ready to go out for dinner that night

"Here Logan let me help you" Kendall says as he helps Logan with the cake

"Thanks Kendall" Logan says as he goes and puts the balloons around the room

Logan takes Hallie to her house, so she could get everything that she needed for the sleepover that night while Emma continues to get ready to go out to eat cause she wanted to look perfect for her daddy just in case the press was there at where he was taking her at

"Emma come on princess" Logan says asfter he helped Hallie bring in everything that she needed for the sleepover since Hallie had a key to get in since her parents were still not home

Emma comes down in a really cute outfit that she had on. Alexa curled her hair, so she looked really pretty for her daddy that night

"Emma you look beautiful" Logan says when he sees her

"Thank you daddy" Emma says with a smile as they leave to go to the restaurant for dinner that night


"She's coming" Ciara says when she sees Logan and Emma come up the steps together

"Why is it so dark here/" Logan asks when he sees how dark the room was

"Here I'll turn on the light" James says as he turns on the light

"Surprise happy birthday Emma" everyone says when Emma comes into the room

Emma was blown away with who was there

"I know princess I am surprised to, but you get to celebrate your birthday three times today" he says as he takes off her coat as they enter the room, so they could be seated around the huge table that was in the room

"Here Emma opene some presents" Stephen says as he hands Emma some presents to open

"Thank you" she says as she opens the presents that was piled high in the room

Emma got more American girl dolls and accesories she could even deal with, and she couldn't wait to play with them all. One of the cast gave her a pony which she wasn't expecting at all. A puppy which she couldn't wait to play with when she gets home that night, clothes, jammies and lots of other good stuff

"What do you say Emma?" Logan asks her

"Thank you everyone" Emma says as she gives Hallie a doll, so the both of them could play with their dolls while the grown-ups talked, and between entrees that night


A great big cake comes into the room that had six birthday candles on, and everyone starts singing happy birthday to Emma, and it brought Emma to tears with the love that was shown for her

"is everything okay baby girl?" Logan asks when he sees the tear fall from her face

She nods as she wipes her eyes

"Oh baby everyone here loves you and can't wait to see you grow and develop and turn into a beautiful young lady. They are going to be my support team to help raise you and Bella cause I love the both of you with all my heart, and I got you this necklace" Logan says as he gets the long rectangle gift that he had hidden the entire time

Emma shed more tears when she saw the necklace that daddy did for her

"Do you want me to put it on you?" he asks her

She nods

"Okay I'll put it on you" he says as he puts the necklace on her

After she had her necklace on her she blew out her candles and made a huge wish

"Yay" everyone says when Emma blew the candles out

"You birthday girl get the first piece" Logan says as he cuts the cake, and gives her the very first piece of the cake that the restaurant gave her

Emma loved the cake, and the company that she had. She couldn't wait to go home, and have her third and final party. Then it will be time for her sleepover where Logan will be living in a nightmare

"Hallie would you like some more cake?" Logan asks as he serves more cake to the guest when they asked for seconds

"No thank you" Hallie says a little upset as she picks at her first piece that she still didn't eat at all

Emma knew something for up, and she was determined to figure out what was up with Hallie before the sleepover starts that night

(Logan's house)

Hallie decided to go get ready for bed and go to bed cause she wasn't feeling very jolly that night

"Hallie do you want to see the other girl?" Emma asks her after Hallie got ready for bed

"No Emma I'm going to go to bed night" Hallie says as she goes downstairs to be by herself at the moment

"Emma she will be better in the morning. Your other classmates are on their way here to have fun and celebrate your birthday doodle bug" he says when he hears Marie's mom pull up

"Sweetie mommy is going to be upstairs if you need her" Ms. Marigold says as she comes into the house cause she decided to go back to her house for the time being

"Bye mommy" Marie says as she goes and hangs out with Emma

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