Chapter 1

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So, here is the sequel from LA to UK! I hope you guys will enjoy it and comment as much as you did before!

xoxo Sam

"Today is the day, Hazza!" Louis walks around his house with his phone in his hand, his beautiful curly haired boyfriend on the screen. He is grabbing stuff that he forgot to put in his suitcase yesterday night. Louis isn't world most organised person.

"I can't wait. I'm going to attack you with kisses. Only twelve more hours baby and I'm going to kiss you and hug you! God I can't wait."

"Louis, are you almost ready?!" Jay screams.

"Only need to put the tea in my suitcase, mom!"

Louis yells back.

"Are you really bringing your own tea? Babe we do have supermarkets in LA you know." Harry chuckles.

"I am not going to take the risk that your fancy LA supermarkets don't have my Yorkshire tea. Harry you know how I get when I don't have my tea. I honestly don't think my tea is in the supermarket. Your city is obsessed with avocados from which I can conclude that LA people don't have taste in anything culinary related, only in boys." Louis winks.

"You are unbelievable. Just step on the plane already. I'm tired of seeing you on this small screen. Not that you are a lot bigger in real life but..." Harry smirks, knowing that this has provoked his boyfriend.

"Oh give me a break! I am big!" Louis groans. He has put his phone on his nightstand and has thrown his suitcase on the bed. He opens it, puts his tea inside and now sits on it, trying to close the zip.

"You look like you need help." Harry chuckles when he sees Louis doing weird movements, trying to close his suitcase.

"Ugh, I guess you are right. LOTTIE!"

A few seconds later the blond girl appears in the room.

"What, Lou?"

"Can you please close this for me while I sit on it?"

Lottie rolls her eyes and sighs.

"You are nothing without me, big brother. I don't know what you are going to do in America." She jokes, taking the zip in her hand.

"Don't worry, Lots. I'm taking care of him over here." Harry says, big smile showing on his face.

"Oh, hey Harry! I didn't even see you there. Are you sure that you are ready to handle this big baby? You wont have me this time to save you, you know."

"I know what you mean, but I'll survive, won't I." Harry plays along.

"You wish that it was me huh, coming to the States." Lottie loves to annoy her brother.

Harry, who exactly knows what the twelve year old is doing, nods.

"Of course, but I'll settle with Louis."

"Can you two stop teaming up against me, Jesus." Louis groans, secretly loving the fact that his sister and his boyfriend get along so well.

"You know I'm joking, baby. I wouldn't want anyone else to come here except for you. I miss you."

"Oh, my love. I miss you too." Louis jumps off his bag and kisses the camera.

"You two are just gross. I'm out of here. Oh, mom said that you have to be downstairs in 10 minutes, otherwise we will be late." Lottie says before leaving her brother's room.

"Alright, tell her I'm coming down right now."

Louis looks at the boy on his screen.

"I have to hang up now, love. The next time you'll see me is in twelve hours and in real life. Oh, I can't wait to touch those curls and kiss those lips and..."


"I got to go now, baby. Love you." Louis quickly blows a kiss to his screen, finishes the call before Harry can say something and puts his phone in his pocket. He grabs his suitcase from the bed and carries it downstairs where his mother is waiting.


"We are going to miss you, boy. Have fun in LA, okay?" Jay kisses her son on the forehead. Jay decided that Lottie had to stay with James, knowing her daughter she isn't able to say goodbye to her brother. They are way too close and seeing him leave would be too hard for the twelve year old.

"It will be amazing, mom I'm sure. I can't wait to see him back." Louis' eyes are shining when he think about it. He is going to see Harry again. He is the happiest person alive.

"I know you are happy. Harry will take good care of you, I trust him. If there is anything, you need to talk or something, no matter what time it is, you call me okay boobear?"

Louis rolls his eyes when he hears the nickname but nods, pulling his mother into a bone crushing hug.

"I'm going to miss you, mom. You know that you always can call me as well, right?" the nineteen year old smiles, wiping away his mother's tears.

"You are an angel, Louis. I'm so happy that you are yourself again. Harry is so incredibly great for you. Tell him that I miss him right? And don't forget to give him the small present. I put it in your suitcase."

"Of course, mom. I have to go now. I don't want to be late and I want to buy some flowers for Harry in one of the shops near the gate. He loves roses. I think it will make him smile." Louis looks down as he smiles, thinking about his boyfriend's face when he sees him for the first time again, handing a bush of roses. He really hopes it will make Harry even happier. He loves seeing Harry happy.

"I'm proud of you, Louis. It's beautiful that you have found such a real love on your age and you are acting like an amazing boyfriend for Harry. The two of you deserve each other. I know that you doubt yourself sometimes, but you shouldn't. You are as good for Harry as he is for you. I've seen it from the very beginning, even when the two of you weren't on good terms."

"How did you see it back then, mom? I didn't even know that I was deeply in love with him." Louis gives his mother a confused look.

"Eyes are telling what the heart and soul want to say. Now go buy your boyfriend some roses. Call me when you have arrived, okay?"

Louis kisses his mother's cheek and takes his hand luggage.

"I'll see you in a few months, mom. I love you."

From UK to LA {Larry Stylinson book 2}Where stories live. Discover now