Chapter 22

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Harry doesn't understand the commotion and the random whispers. Every body looks at their phone and Harry wants to take his as well, very curious what the fuzz is about, but he can't find it.

"Haz, mate..." Niall has a painful look on his face. "Where is your phone?"

"I don't know, Nialler. I'm looking for it, why? What's happening? Why is everybody gushing?"

Niall wants to open his mouth but gets interrupted by Kendall, slapping Harry straight in the face.

"That's for hurting Louis, you asshole!" the black haired girl hisses.

"Wtf, Kendall!" Harry holds his hand on his burning cheek.

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. I can't believe we wanted to protect you from him. It's the other way around."

"What are you talking about? What's with Louis?" Harry is so confused. He got slapped by one of his best friends but that doesn't really matter, the only thing that matters now is that apparently Louis is hurt.

"He didn't do anything, Kennie. I was with him the whole time. He doesn't even have his phone on him." Niall defends the curly lad.

"What do you mean he doesn't have his phone on him? Then who has his bloody phone because I'm about to kill someone."

Kendall's eyes are full of fire and Harry doesn't get what's going on. Why is she so upset?

"Why does my phone matter? What's with Louis? Can someone explain me what the fuck is happening?!" Harry is beyond pissed and it's not until Niall shows the screen on his phone that Harry has a complete breakdown.

"Fuck no..." Harry whispers in panic. "Where is he? Kendall please tell me where is he!" Harry starts to shake and he is fighting his anger tears. If he finds out who did this, he will literally kill them.

"He ran outside. Taylor followed him to make sure he is safe."

"Give me your phone." Harry says to no one in particular. "I said give me your damn phone! I need to call Taylor!" Harry snaps.

Harry takes Kendall's phone and the blond girl answers immediately, explaining where they are. After the call he gives the phone back to Kendall.

"When I'm back I want everybody out of here. Make sure that everybody deletes the picture before leaving."

These are the last things that Harry says before leaving his house. He has to go check up on Louis and apologise. He feels so horrible.


Harry finally arrives at the beach where Taylor said they would be. He could hear Louis' sobs from far away. When Taylor hears Harry approach, she turns around.

"What happened, Harry?" is the first thing she asks.

"I'll tell you later. Please let me get to Lou. I need to hold him." Harry is desperate to comfort his boyfriend. Hearing those sobs breaks his heart.

"I wanted to hug him but he didn't want to be touched..." Taylor whispers, not wanting Louis to hear their conversation.

Harry understands and nods.

"Thank you for following him and taking care. I swear it's not me who did this, Tay."

Taylor nods. "I know, Haz. You love him. Now go explain to him what happened. He is completely heartbroken."

Harry gives Taylor a quick hug before running towards Louis, taking place next to him.


Harry wants to grab his hand but Louis pulls it away.

"Don't touch me , please." His voice is hoarse.

Harry feels a piece of his heart falling off, shattering. He has always been the person that Louis trusts, Louis had always feel comfortable with Harry touching him and now he doesn't even want Harry to hold his hand.

"I swear it wasn't me, Louis. I lost my phone I don't know where it is, I..."

"Does that really matter? The damage is done. You knew that picture was on it. I trusted you and you didn't even take care of your phone, knowing what's on it."

Louis can't look at the boy next to him. He feels so betrayed, embarrassed, ashamed, everything. Although Harry didn't send the picture, it still came from his phone and Harry's phone is Harry's responsibility.

Louis believes that Harry didn't send the picture. Harry wouldn't do this to him on purpose, but it happened and Louis does blame Harry, but also himself. He shouldn't have gone naked for him, he shouldn't have let him take a picture. If he would just have let Harry work with Nick, this wouldn't have happened.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I swear I never intended for this to happen. I'll do anything to make it up." Harry is crying softly. He is hurt because of what happened to his Louis, it breaks his heart, and the fact that he is partly guilty does break him.

"But that's the thing, Harry. You can't make up for this. Probably the whole school has this picture from me. You know how a big deal it was for me to be exposed to you. Now everybody can see me whenever they want. I'm exposed, against my will, again."

Louis' sobs are loud and his body is shaking. He honestly doesn't know how to handle this. He doesn't want to show up at school on Monday, having those judging eyes on him, people laughing with his ugly body. Nobody was supposed to ever see Louis like this, only Harry.

"I am so sorry, Lou. I really don't know what I can say more. I'll make sure that everybody deletes that picture. You'll be okay, baby. It doesn't take long for us to leave this place. We'll live happily in London, yeah, where nobody knows that this happened." Harry doesn't know which words will comfort Louis, but he is trying his best to find the right ones.

"I know that it happened, Harry. That's enough. I just... can we go home? I'm tired." For the first time Louis looks at Harry, making the curly lad's heart break even more.

Louis' blue eyes are a shade of grey, red and swollen from the tears.

"Yeah, let's go." Harry wants to grab Louis' hand but he doesn't let him. He just stands up, brushes the sand of his trousers, and walks towards Harry's house.

When they are there Louis just passes Harry's room, going into the next one.

"Louis, baby what are you doing?" Harry gives his boyfriend a worried look.

Louis turns around, inhaling and exhaling deeply before speaking. He is playing with his nails, a habit that he has when he is nervous.

"I want to be alone for a while. I'm sleeping in the guestroom. I'm sorry, Harry."

Louis disappears into the other room, making Harry cry even more. They haven't slept apart in so long since they are together, excluding the time apart. Harry messed up, big time. 

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