Chapter 10

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So here is a chappie bcs that picture just brought me in a really good mood.

A few weeks passed and everything went alright between the boys. They did occasionally argue but nothing big and Louis always could talk to Kendall about it, feeling relieved that he has someone to talk to in this strange country besides his boyfriend.

Anne is still making snappy comments to Louis but less than before. That's mainly because the woman looks for excuses to leave the house, not being able to see his son with Louis. She still feels that Harry is running into his misfortune.

Louis touched Harry regularly after their date but wasn't ready yet to be touched himself. He even touched the boy under his boxers, making straight contact with his skin and Louis absolutely loves it to see Harry wrecked under his touch. He loves the control that he has over the boy and he can't stop making his boyfriend feel good. He loves to be kind of dominant and making Harry a complete mess.

Right now Louis is chilling in Harry's room. He only had class in the morning and normally he should have drama now but the theatre where he normally has class, being used for some special workshop for the juniors made it that Louis doesn't have class now. Kendall dropped him off at home and he is patiently waiting for Harry to return. He is missing his curly baby.

"Hey baby." Harry enters the room, throws his bag in the corner and kisses his boyfriend.

"Hi my love, how was school." Louis pulls Harry on the bed and kisses him softly.

"It was alright. Look, Lou. I need to talk to you about something. I promise this was arranged before I came to the UK." Harry is nervously biting his lip.

The announcement makes it already clear that it's something that won't make Louis happy.

"What's up?" Louis looks expectingly at Harry.

"So, you know how Nick and I have painting class together..." he starts.

Louis nods, already wanting to throw up when he hears that name.

"Well in September we got an assignment and uh, look, it doesn't mean anything but uh we basically have to paint someone to learn how to draw and paint the features of a human body."

Louis nods, curious about where Harry is going with this.

"I kind of promised back then that Nick could paint me."

A sigh of relief leaves Louis' lips. He thought it would be something way worse. He doesn't like it that Harry is partnering up with Nick but it's okay I guess.

"No big deal, Haz. I mean I don't like it particularly but I can live with it. I'm happy you tell me." Louis pecks Harry's cheek.

"You don't get it, Lou. I have to be naked." Harry says hesitantly, ready for the whirlwind of the century.

"He is going to paint your dick?" Louis snaps.

"It won't be exactly like that, Louis. It's an artistic painting, not porn."

"I don't agree." Louis says shortly.

"But Lou, it's hard to find someone that wants to model. He is my model as well. If we don't find someone we fail..." Harry says, scared for his boyfriends answer.

"Oh so you are going to paint his dick as well?" Louis snaps, anger slowly boiling inside him.

"Louis... It's not like that. It's a school project."

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