Chapter 3

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It wasn't a long drive to Harry's house. Niall dropped Gemma off at her boyfriends' place and after the two boys at Harry's house.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Nialler. Thanks for driving." Harry thanks his best friend.

"No worries, mate. See you tomorrow."

"Bye, Niall. It was really nice to meet you. I see you tomorrow!" Louis waves at the fake blond, wanting to make a good impression to Harry's best friend. He desperately wants Harry's friends to like him.

"Your house is huge..." Louis gasps when he is in front of the villa.

"Yeah, we are kind of rich. We still live a normal life though. It's not like we have a maid or something and my mom still goes to work." Harry explains when he presses the code of the alarm system.

"Must be cool, having so much money. Not that I can complain. We aren't poor."

"I'd rather be poor..." Harry looks at the floor.

"Why? Baby, what's wrong? Did I say something bad?" Louis has a worried look on his face and cups Harry's cheek, making eye contact with him.

"That's a story for another time, my love. There is no time for sadness now, you are finally here!" Harry lifts Louis up again, pressing his lips against the smaller boy's.

"I'm going to show you the house. Come on."

Harry grabs Louis' hand drags him with him, showing him his home for the next three months.

And Louis is impressed. It must be one of the must beautiful houses he has ever seen. The kitchen is really modern and there is even a pizza oven. There is a huge tv hanging on the wall in the living room, an amazing pool in the backyard with a view on the ocean and the bathroom even has a bubble bad. Louis is literally in heaven.

"And even though we have 3 guestrooms, this will be your room." Harry says while opening the last door. Louis smiles when he enters the room.

There is a double bed. The sheets are bright blue and the walls are covered with paintings and pictures, fairly lights hanging above them and above the bed. There are two other doors in Harry's room. One leads to his walking in closet and the other to his private bathroom. An easel with a half empty canvas is in the corner of the room, next to it a box full of paint.

Louis smiles when he sees a picture from them in front of the Big Ben on Harry's nightstand.

"I like your room, Hazza. It's very you." Louis compliments Harry.

"Good because you will be staying here." Harry softly presses his lips on Louis, the kiss getting heated quite fast. Louis pushes Harry on the bed, kissing his neck, jaw, collarbone. A small moan escapes Harry's mouth when Louis starts to suck on his sweet spot.

"Fuck, Lou. You should stop." Harry moans.

"Why, love? Don't you like it? I missed you." Louis' voice is seductive and it drives Harry even crazier.

"Hell, Lou that's not the problem. I like this too much." Harry bites his lip and then Louis realises what the younger boy means.

There is a bulge showing in his white jeans.

"Lou, I'm sorry. I, it's just..." Harry stutters and blushes, but feels bad as well. He doesn't want to make Louis uncomfortable.

"That's okay. I mean, I can help you out." Louis' hands are shaking when they move towards the zip on Harry's jeans. He bites his lips and there is a huge lump in his throat. He has to do this, though. They have been together for about two months and Louis hasn't given him anything from... that.

Harry grabs Louis' hand and kisses his knuckles.

"Don't do this, baby. You are not ready. I can see it on your pretty face." Harry pulls Louis in a hug and kisses his hair.

"I'm disappointing you, aren't I? I mean, I don't give you any pleasure and..."

Harry shuts Louis up by connecting their lips shortly.

"It's not pleasure for me when you don't enjoy it. I want both of us being ready, Lou. I told you before, I don't expect anything. This is going on your pace. I don't need sex as long as I have your love."

"I love you so much. Maybe you can go to the shower first to take care about your little problem and when you are ready I can join? I really want to wash your hair." Louis blushes a little bit.

"I think that's an amazing idea. Unpack your stuff already and I'll call you when the cold water made this one sleep again. I made space for you in the closet. The right side is all yours. I'm going to grab my swimming shorts."


Right after Niall dropped off his best friend and his boyfriend he drives to the skater park. He usually hangs out there with the whole gang, this time without Harry of course.

"Nialler, there you are! Finally dude." Jeff screams when Niall arrives.

"Louis' flight was a little late man, don't blame me." The fake blond says.

"How is he?" Nick asks.

Niall sighs. He doesn't like Nick. He has hurt Harry before and it disturbs him a little that he is still part of their friend group. Harry is way too nice and forgiving.

"That's what I want to talk about, guys. I don't know if we should continue those plans. Harry is really protective over him and I think that he is in love."

"Bullshit." Kendall snaps, playing with her long dark hair. "We are not going to stop this. I don't trust that British piece of shit at all."

"I agree." Caroline nods. "Niall, we made plans for a reason."

"I spoke to him and he sounds genuinely nice, guys. He brought Harry flowers and I have never seen Harry this happy before with someone."

"I beg to differ." Nick snaps.

Niall rolls his eyes.

"Cut the jealous act, Grimshaw. You messed up yourself. I don't think Louis is a bad guy. I think at least we should give him a chance instead of going into attack mode immediately."

"Well I agree with Niall." Taylor says, playing with her long blond curls. "Niall knows Harry the best, he knows best what to do. If Niall says that we cancel the mission, we cancel the mission."

Niall gives Taylor a thankful smile.

"Don't you remember what he did to Harry? He made the whole bloody school bully him. I'm sorry but we all know Harry can be really naïve and he believes too much in fairy tales. I say we learn this fucker a lesson and teach him not to fuck with our Harry. This plan has been made for 4 months already!" Jeff intervenes.

"Things have changed, guys. Look, I don't have time for this. I still have to finish that drawing for tomorrow's class. I'm going home. Whatever you guys do, I'm not a part of it."

"I'm with Niall." Taylor stands up and follows the fake blond to his car.

When Niall and Taylor have left, Nick turns to Jeff, Caroline and Kendall.

"Okay guys, we lost those two. That doesn't mean we can't keep going..."

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