Chapter 14

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Thank you all for the support and loving messages! I'm not doing perfect but your messages made me feel a lot better though! 

love you all!

It has been two hours that Harry and Louis are cuddling in the car and a tear still escapes Harry's eye from time to time.

"Baby you know that I'd never force you into telling me anything but I really think you should tell me about your father. I'm really worried and I'm so lost because I can't give you any advice and I really want to help you. I don't like being helpless, for sure not when it comes to you." Louis' hand is tangled into Harry's curls.

"There is not a big story. My dad was my very best friend, always has been. We did everything together until one day he just disappeared and left us a shit load of money. I really don't care about that money, Lou, I want my best friend back, I miss him. He left me a letter and there was written that whatever happens, I'm not allowed to show it to my mom. In the letter he wrote that mom kicked him out of the house and that he would never be able to see us again. He wrote that to make it up to me that he left all the money and that one day, when I'm 21, he'll come and see me. I'm counting the days."

Louis just nods, not believing Harry's father for a 100%.

"I don't know, Haz. This feels kind of fishy don't you think? I mean..."

"What do you mean?" Harry interrupts.

"I mean that it's a strange story. Maybe you should show your mom the letter. I don't know Harry, the story seems a bit weird to me."

"I don't want to talk to my mom about it, Louis." Harry's voice has never been so cold towards his boyfriend and Louis doesn't like it at all.

"I'm not saying anything bad, baby. I'm just saying that maybe you should listen to your mom's side as well..." Louis whispers, putting a stray of hair behind Harry's ear.

"I can't believe that you defend the woman that has only been mean to you."

"Everything that your mother does is out of love, Harry and I will never hold that against her. I can't be angry with a person that only shows love towards you."

"She slapped me and hates my boyfriend." Harry snaps.

"The slapping was wrong, but she hates me with a reason. I was not innocent and it's up to me to win her trust. Babe, I want to stay here with you and sleep, cuddle, whatever you want but I think it's better if we drive home now and you talk to your mom. You've been crying for the past two hours. You should make up, babe. I'll go immediately to your room when we arrive, then you go talk to her. She loves you so much, Hazza and she has been always there for you and I understand that you were close to your dad but Anne isn't just able to kick him out of the house out of nowhere you know. There must have been a reason and if he really didn't want to leave he would have fought harder. You don't see him at all and he gives you a shitload of money? Haz I think it's time to talk to your mother. If it's not about that, then about what happened earlier. She is your mother, she'll always be a part of your life."

Harry sighs and pulls Louis closer to him, embracing the boy.

"I hate it when you are right." He mumbles against Louis' skin.

"That's funny, I'm always right." Louis smirks.

"Shut it, Tomlinson."

"Make me." Louis bites his lip flirtatiously and it doesn't take long for Harry's plumb lips to attack the tinner one.

"You know, you always praise me for being so helpful but you always guide me towards the right direction. You're like my guardian angel, I love you." Harry whispers against Louis' lips. Louis, who ended up on Harry's lap like the koala he is, smiles and pecks Harry's lips.

"I have a feeling we are meant to lead each other because we have the same destiny."

And the butterflies in Harry's stomach are ready for attack. He feels his whole body tingling when he hears his boyfriend speak those words and Louis' voice makes it even more angelic. Harry can't stop himself, he wants to touch this angel in front of his that he is lucky enough to call his boyfriend. His finger traces Louis' jaw, moving to his soft lips. His finger lingers there for a few seconds until he places a soft kiss on those lips.

"What you just said, it's my favourite thing ever. It sounds even better than I love you. I like the sound of us leading each other because we are meant to end up together, no matter where. I love the thought that you, Louis Tomlinson, are my destiny. I love you my little koala." Harry pulls the lightweight closer to him so he can even cuddle him more.

Louis, who is so touched by Harry's words that he doesn't even feel the need to correct 'little koala', massages Harry's scalp while kissing his forehead.

"My sweet butterfly." He mumbles between forehead kisses. "so precious, I love you so much."

"Butterfly?" Harry asks, voice soft while he looks into his favourite pair of ocean blue eyes.

"Yeah, butterfly." Louis' finger lingers over the exposed skin on Harry's chest. Those open shirts are going to be the death to him one day. "It's my favourite tattoo of yours. It's so pretty, my sweet butterfly." Louis' lips linger a bit in front of the inked filled skin before pressing a small kiss on it. "Gorgeous."

Louis' tone and soft touches make Harry light headed and he grips Louis' head with both hands, making him look up again, blue and green connecting. His thumb is caressing Louis' cheek, making the older boy purr. Harry's touches are so gentle and loving, nothing like the touches he has felt in the past. Louis hates to be touched, but the only touch that feels perfect and makes him feel at ease, is the one from the American boy where he fell deeply for.

"I don't want to disrupt this moment because damn it's so perfect and the most intimate I have ever felt but we should go home, my love. You should talk to your mother tonight. Both of you can't go to bed without sorting things out." Louis whispers against his lovers' lips.

"Hm, you're right. I hate when that happens. One more kiss though." Harry's voice is desperate and he looks at Louis with big eyes.

Of course Louis can't deny the offer of Harry's lips against his. The older boy is breathless and only nods, enjoying the plumb pair of his boyfriend attacking softly his thin pair of lips.

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