Chapter 4

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After the shower and some cuddling the boys decided to take a nap. Louis hasn't slept for a while, not being able to in the plane and the night before leaving to LA. But now that his boyfriend's arms are wrapped around him and his face is hidden in Harry's chest, Louis is able to sleep. They are both peaceful until they hear a voice speak and the lights being turned on.

"Harry, I'm back." A woman with long black hair is standing in the doorframe. She is a beautiful woman and Harry does look a bit like her.

"Hey, mom!" Harry jumps out of the bed, pulling Louis with him. Louis wishes he did look a bit more decent when meeting his future mother-in-law. His hair is everywhere and he is only wearing Harry's oversized shirt and a pair of boxers under it. He honestly looks like he just had sex and that's just embarrassing. If he knew Harry's mother would just enter the room, he wouldn't have suggested to take a nap and tried to stay awake for a bit more until they properly met.

"Hi, miss. I'm Louis. It's so nice to meet you. Harry has told me a lot about you. Thank you so much for letting me stay in your house." Louis smiles shyly at the woman in front of him, stretching his hand for a shake.

Anne studies the boy. At first sight he doesn't look bad but that doesn't take away what he has done to her son only a few months ago.

"I see Harry showed you the bed. We also have mattresses if you want to, you know, to put in the hallway, if that is a British thing to do." The woman can't help but snap. She doesn't even accept his hand and Louis slowly puts his hand down, grabbing his arm and rubbing it. He feels so small right now.

"Mom." Harry gives his mother a warning look. He knows that she isn't fond of Louis but she shouldn't speak the way she is doing now to his boyfriend.

"I just came here to tell you that dinner is ready in 10 minutes." Anne turns around and shuts the door behind her.

"Baby, don't listen to her please." Harry immediately pulls Louis closer to him.

"It's fine. I deserve it. I treated you wrongly and this is karma." Louis smiles weakly at Harry, but the tears that are threatening to fall down show his real emotions.

"It's not fine. I'll talk to her. This is not okay. Look, I know that it looks that she hates you but that's because she doesn't know you yet. Give her some time. Be yourself around her. I'm sure that in the end she will love you. She'll forget about the past just like I did."

Louis looks at his hands, playing with his fingernails. He doesn't say a word. He doesn't believe that Anne will ever like him. That was really clear just a minute ago. Louis can't blame the woman. What he did to Harry in the beginning was cruel.

"Hey..." Harry lifts Louis' chin up, searching eye contact with his favourite pair of eyes. "I love you, baby. I love you so much."

A single tear escapes from the corner of Louis' eye. He isn't able anymore to hold it. Still lost for words, he just enjoys the feeling of Harry's lips that kiss away the salty tears on his cheek.

"I love you too. It's just... I feel like I messed up already. I'm so sorry I'm putting you in this position. I don't want you to have discussions with your mother because of me."

"It's not because of you. It's because of her behaviour towards you. Louis, I'm not going to let anyone talk to you like that, even my mother. You are my boyfriend and I love you and I made a promise that I will always protect you. I'm not going to break that promise." Harry makes blue and green meet, hoping that the look of his eyes show the sincerity of his words to Louis.

"I'll do my best to make her at least tolerate me. I promise Hazza."

Harry kisses Louis' temple.

"I know you will, baby. Now let's get some dinner."

Louis' stomach clenches by only the thought of going downstairs again and being eye to eye with Anne. He is really scared of her. Even though he isn't hungry at all, he promised Harry to make things right with his mother and he can't do that when he skips dinner on his first night in LA.


Louis didn't close an eye the first night. Even though he feels safe and protected in Harry's arms, Anne was stuck in his mind.

During dinner she made some more snappy comments, making Harry angry. Harry had sent Louis away so he could talk to his mother and after that Anne didn't make snarky comments anymore, no, she didn't say a word at all.

And now Louis is sitting in the passenger seat of Harry's red mustang-cabrio. Louis is totally in love with the car.

"It feels weird to be on the other side of the road." Louis jokes. "Oh and being able to drive a cabrio. We can't do that in England. We freeze or get soaking wet." Louis enjoys the morning sun in his face. It's around 25 degrees and the only thing he can imagine is Zayn wrapped up in a scarf and a beanie on his head almost freezing to death. Okay, Louis might overreact, but still, he loves the weather in LA.

"I love to just drive around and go to random places and then just sleep in the car, under the stars."

"I want to do that with you one night." Louis says.

"What about Saturday? I want to take you out on a date. We can go to the beach first, have a picnic there, go to a nice restaurant in the night and then just drive until we are tired of driving."

"I really much like that." Louis blushes and looks at the palm trees that are planted next to the road. Only Harry can make him feel flustered like this by only asking him out on a date. Harry awakens the teenage girl inside Louis.

"That's a date." A big smile appears on Harry's face and his shiny eyes are covered by his pair of sunglasses. "Have you checked your schedule by the way?"

Louis nods.

"Yeah, I did. I'm excited about the singing classes and also about the acting ones. Dancing honestly scares me to death. I can't even do the fucking macarena properly." Louis jokes.

"I'm sure you'll be fine baby. Your singing is amazing, you're acting is quite good as well, you know, pretending you don't like me and stuff." Harry jokes. "I almost believed you."

"Shut up, Styles." Louis giggles, slapping Harry's arm playfully.

"I'm definitely going to skip my class one time just to check you out during your dance class. I can only imagine that must be the hottest thing ever."

"You are not skipping to laugh at me. There is no way you are going to watch my dance class."

"At least once in those three months I will."

"Ugh, you are lucky that I love you. What do you have by the way when I have dance, drama and singing classes?"

"It's a kind of painting/ drawing class and I chose the option photography and movie editing as well. It's pretty awesome but I prefer the painting."

"You are the new Picasso. Just keep both your ears."

"That's Van Gogh my love but I appreciate the advice."

"Whatever, is it still long?"

"Actually, we are here. I can't wait for you to meet all of my friends, baby. They are honestly the best. Finally they get to see you after hearing me talk about you all the time for about a month."

A smile plays on Louis' lips when he sees his boyfriend this enthusiastic.

"I'm really excited about meeting them as well. Let's go inside."

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