Chapter 24

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Harry's heart breaks into a million pieces when he sees his boyfriend.

Louis has put his hood all over him, hiding himself. Loud sobs are heard and his tin body is shaking. Kendall is standing a few steps away from him, clearly panicking as she doesn't know what to do. Her hands are in her hair as she is pacing around. She has an idea about why Louis is reacting like this and it breaks her heart. It makes her want to rip Nick's head off even more.

"Baby..." Harry's voice is soft as he walks up to Louis. Kendall looks up relieved when she sees her close friend.

"I'm happy you are here, Haz. Should I get him something? Water?"

Harry shakes his head.

"Don't worry, Ken I got this. Thank you so much for staying with him."



"I'm so sorry about what happened to him... I get it now what you meant with 'he has been through a lot'. "

Harry just gives her a sad smile and moves to Louis. He sits on his knees in front of him.

"Can I hug you, love?" Harry's voice is barely a whisper. He doesn't want to make sudden movements, avoiding that Louis reacts badly.

Louis doesn't answer, he just clenches himself on Harry, sobbing into his shoulder. All his anger has faded, he just needs Harry. He needs to feel the comfort and the safety that Harry gives him. He needs his safe haven.

"Sh, baby. Come on, let's go home. I got you." Harry helps Louis to stand up and he pulls his arm protectively over him, leading the boy to his car after he checked them out. Louis needs to rest now.


"Do you want something?" Harry asks when they are at home.

"Can I sleep in your room again?" Louis is scared for the answer. The past two nights he refused to sleep with Harry and now he is basically begging to sleep with him again, scared to be alone.

"That's not even a question, my love. Of course you can. Go upstairs, I'll bring you tea okay?"

"Can I wait here for you?" Louis' big blue eyes look scared and they are watery. He doesn't want to leave Harry's side.

"Of course, baby. Give me a minute and your tea is ready. Want to join me to the kitchen?"

Louis nods and grabs Harry's hand that is extended. He puts himself on the counter, watching his boyfriend making them tea.

"Fancy a biscuit? I made mom buy the ones that you have back home, you know the ones that you can only touch when there are guests."

A small smile plays on Louis' lips.

"They are my favourite."

"I know they are, my love." Harry grabs the box from the top shelf, putting one biscuit on the small plate for himself and two for his boyfriend. Harry takes another biscuit and puts it in front of Louis' mouth. Louis grabs it with his teeth, enjoying his favourite sweet.

"I told my mom that we are home. She is going to call school again. She also said that she will give the two of us some time alone. Do you want to talk about it, Lou?" Harry asks when they are sitting on the big couch in the living room.

"I'm sorry, I was being a baby. It was just too much. I couldn't hear it. The video was full of victims telling their story and... It just all came back. I shouldn't have reacted like this."

"It's alright. I get it. Are you feeling better now?" Harry strokes some hair behind Louis' ear.

"Tea calms me down. And you do too. Can I sit on your lap?" Louis is extra careful, scared that Harry is still angry with him for his behaviour. He has been too hard for the curly lad.

"Come here, my little koala." Harry puts his cup of tea on the table and pulls the smaller boy on his lap, kissing his forehead. He puts his arms around Louis' small waist, pulling the boy as close as possible.

"I'm sorry for being distant to you. I shouldn't have. It isn't your fault. It was my idea to take the picture and now I'll have to carry the consequences."

"Baby, don't blame yourself. Please don't do that." Harry kisses Louis' clothed shoulder.

"I heard that you hit Nick." Louis whispers, hands playing with the rings on Harry's hand.

"I did. I'm so sorry that he did this to you. Did people bother you at school today?"

Louis shakes his head.

"No, they didn't. Kendall also explained me why. I didn't know you had this scary side in you, Haz. But thank you for defending me. I overreacted. I love you, you know that right? And if it's alright with you I would really like to sleep with you again."

Harry smiles and nods.

"That's a yes. I really missed you next to me. I can't sleep without you, boo. I barely closed an eye. I'm glad you want to sleep together again. Can I kiss you, Lou?"

"Please." Louis breathes out. Louis leans in, connecting their lips. Louis' hands are around Harry's neck while Harry's hands are resting on Louis' waist.

"hm, don't want to fight with you anymore, Haz." Louis moans during the kiss. "I'm too addicted to your kisses to go without. Damn this is so good."

Harry smiles during the kiss, never disconnecting his lips. He wants to keep kissing Louis. It's his favourite thing in the world.

"Can we go upstairs and cuddle? God I missed your cuddles." Harry says after gasping for air. His lips are numb from the make out session but he doesn't mind. It was fucking awesome.

"Yes please." Louis grabs Harry's hand and pulls him upstairs. Immediately they fall into Harry's bed, Louis laying half on top of Harry.

"I don't like LA." Louis admits. "I mean, I don't really hate it but I do associate it with a lot of bad things. But I like you, a lot, and I like London a lot. London has only been kind to us and I can't wait to live with you together there. We will have our own flat and we can take turns in cooking and cleaning. We'll sleep together every day, go to the same parties, have the same group of friends and I'm really excited about it. I want the domestic lifestyle with you, Haz."

Louis looks right into Harry's eyes, making his look show that he really means it. He wants this life together with Harry. They might be young but his mother once said that only the lucky souls find their other half while young, and for once Louis can consider himself lucky.

"Me too, I want that, I want us, forever, happy. I know it will happen."

Louis smiles and pecks Harry's lips before resting his head on his chest.

"I love you, Hazza, my other half."

"I love you, Louis, my soulmate." 

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