Ch. 15 Faith

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I float over the city for about an hour with no sign of strange activity and decide to land on the roof of a low building and make my way to the river. The city is calm as midday approaches. Despite the cloud cover people in varying degrees of nudity saunter past. "Oregonians are so weird." I mumble to no one in particular. After a short while of walking I reach a grassy area with the mast of a battleship in the middle. Uninterested I walk closer to the water a small blue and white boat sits moored. Leaning against the rail I look down at the water. The dark water reflects the light in patches and almost looks inviting.

"Check that out!" A man's voice calls off to my right. I turn and see a grizzled young man point towards the city.

"Duude..." A hippy man standing nearby gapes.

At first I see nothing then in some upper windows of a tower pink and blue light flashes. Knowing that people would panic if I lifted myself here I take off at a run towards the nearest building. Never losing sight of the strange tower I lift myself to a nearby roof. I send out my senses and try to shift parts of the walls, but it feels solid. The windows are tinted pink so even if I was at eye level it would be somewhat difficult to see in. Scratching my head I stare at the building. How do I get in.

The old fashioned way. Frowning at my conclusion I hop from roof to roof. The closer I get to the tower the weirder and more out of place it seems. The buildings get more decrepit and the towers seems to take on the feeling of being the middle finger of the rich to the rest of the city. When I am only a block away I hop down to the ground. The grime from the street grinds under my boots as I approach the pink tower. Homeless and the average walk on either side of the street. Oh, if only I could trade places with one of them. An image of a younger me rolls across my mind causing me to shiver. Never mind, I'll keep my oddities.

The smooth face of the tower gives way to reveal streaked and stained granite blocks. "So you're not so shiny and new as you would like others to see you as." I say once I am just one cross walk away. Crossing the street I walk around the perimeter of the tower. Depending on the side one is on the building can either look drab and brown or glitter pink.

There is a small wing that extends out from one side. There may be an access door for maintenance. I go down a nearby street and wait for the right moment before lifting myself to the roof. No luck. No access, just more windows bordered by that same granite. I sail myself across the street and land on the pink tower's wing. How to get in? I look up at the tower. The lean is nearly imperceptible from down here, but it has got to be around 21 inches on the top floor. I shake my head, "Poor souls inside have got to be sea sick as all get out."

After searching around some and not finding a satisfactory way in I realize I only have one option left. I hop back across and make my way to the street.. A mediocre man finishes a conversation on his cell. I hurry over visibly panting. "Please sir I am lost and my phone just died, I am supposed to meet some friends, mind if I borrow your phone?"

His face changes from annoyed, surprised, to pity in seconds. "Sure, here." He unlocks the screen and goes to the dial screen.

"Thanks." I say as he hands me the phone. I dial the number my fingers had memorized so many years ago.

A silken voice answers. I am simultaneously relieved and annoyed. "Hey, Mercy. I need help."

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