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Jisung ran to Stray Kids dorm with tears in his eyes. Yes,he had said that he was going to Shinees dorm,but he didnt want to bother them. The run was quite long,but jisung didnt care.

He finally arrived to Stray Kids dorm. He can hear loud noises coming from inside the dorm. He knocked on the door, hearing the whole dorm go silent.

A few minutes later, he saw Felix opening the door.
"Ye- jisung? What are you doing here? Why are your clothes soaked? Did you run here?" Felix asked,wondering why the younger was here. Jisung was too busy crying that he didnt realize that it was raining. Felix let the boy in, seeing how he wasnt answering, just crying.

The whole dorm was silent. The only noise you could here is Jisung crying. The group let Jisung calm down before asking if he could explain what had happen. Once jisung calmed down, he explained what had happened. He could see how furious Bang Chan was. They insisted on talking to the rest of the nct members about the situation,but Jisung declined,not wanting to cause trouble for the group.

They let Jisung stay since he had no where else to go. No one knew that jisungs family died a year ago. He hadnt told anyone,not even the dreamies, about that.

Three months later...

Jisung was still at the other groups dorm. He was at the dorm alone since the group had practice. He was watching tv when he got a notification from Youngil. He opened it to see a video of the members and Youngil having fun....without him. Jisung felt tears coming out of his eyes. He wiped them before turning off his phone,taking a sticky note and pen that was on the coffee table for some reason,and writing a note to straykids, thanking them. He took his bag and phone, leaving the dorm. As he was walking back to the dorms, he got a text message from the groupchat that he and the dreamies were in.



Jisung meet us at the cafe next to the dorms. We need to talk.

Jisung hesitated before replying with an okay. He continued the walk to the dorms. Once he reached the dorms, he headed toward the cafe.

Jisung reached the cafe before hesitating if he should go in or not. He finally went in and found the dreamies. He sat down in the seat infront of them.

"What do you want?" Jisung asked,slightly annoyed.

"I- we're sorry. We realized how fake Youngil sounded
And felt really bad. We get if you dont accept our apology." He heard Haechan say.

Now jisung was really annoyed.

They just now realized Youngil was faking it?

Jisung scoffed before telling them that he'll talk with them with the other members. Jisung stood up, leaving the cafe. He decided to go on the rooftop. Jisung was now sitting on the edge of the rooftop. He had been there for about four hours,just looking at the sky. He heard the door open and footsteps. He turned around to see all of the nct members.

Jisung scoffed.
"What? Do you want to kick me out of the group again?" Jisung said, glaring at all of them. He saw the guilty looks on the members face. They all apologized, saying how dumb they were.

"You really think an apology would be enough for what you all did?!? You all trusted a person you've known for a few days but not someone you've known for fucking years??? You all chosed to go on the side of a lying bitch who hurt me and raped me but not the side of someone who you know wouldn't do something like that?? Fuck, i cant even hurt a bug, what makes you think ill hurt a person? Huh?? answer me. You all made me hurt myself. You all made me want to kill myself. And you think an apology would be good enough??!? Fuck no." Jisung yelled, tears falling down his face. He saw all the members shocked face before scoffing again.
"Fuck all of you" jisung muttered before leaving the members there.

Hi hi!! Sorry it took me a while to update. Also Sorry if my writing is crappy. Anyways i have a question.

Should i do a good or bad ending? Or should i do both?

Anyways bye bye have a good day/night!! <3

𝐎𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐉𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜)Where stories live. Discover now