Chapter 1- The beginning

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Paige POV

As I quietly slept I was quickly woken up by my 4AM alarm and quickly jumped up and slapped the snoze button and turned it off. I listened quietly and listened to make sure it didn't wake up my grandparents. After not hearing anything for a minute I released the breathe I was holding and got out of bed. I quickly threw on a pair of ripped jeans and a tank, making sure to grab my jacket on the back of my chair as I quietly left my room. I walked to the the sunroom and let the dogs out and went to make their breakfast as they ran around outside. I let them back in and gave them their bowls of food and grab a muffin and leave the house heading to the barn. I get there and make their feed and feed them. This takes me about ten minutes since the twenty horses we have all have different, and specialized feeds. I feed them and when they finished I put them into the pasture. As the last one is let outside I shut the barn door and start mucking the stalls. I finally finish at 6AM and walk back up to the house. I go inside and grab my keys and my backpack and get into my truck. I put my backpack in the passenger seat and put on my seat belt before starting my truck and driving to school. About 20 minutes later I finally pull into the school parking lot and park in my parking spot before heading to my first class of the day. This was my long and tiring morning schedule. Luckily it was Thursday and tomorrow was Friday and my birthday.

I'll finally be 18, I thought to myself.

This makes me smile as I sit down in my chair. Luckily the day seems to go by fast and I can finally leave school. I walk to my truck and see five girls by my truck and I quickly run towards them and envelope them in a huge hug.

"I missed you guys today! Where were you guys!?" I asked as I hugged my five best friends.

"We were preparing stuff for your big 18th birthday tomorrow! The smaller one Allie says. Allie was the smallest but was the feirced of us all. If you hurt any of us she'd go and hunt down the one who hurt us and make them pay.

"Your gonna love it." Sophia said with a huge smile. She was the same hight as me and had a very friendly personality. She was very easy to talk to.

"I can't wait till you see it tomorrow night!" Kyla squeeled in my ear making me jump a little. Kyla was a couple inches taller than me but was my closest friend. We'd know each other since elementary school. Ellie came over and slapped my ass which made me laugh and roll my eyes. Bre stood there silently as she stared at a guy who was across the parking lot. We talked for a while and then I checked my phone to see the time.

"Shit I'm gonna be late!" I yelled as I quickly gave them all a hug and hopped into my truck and sped to the farm. I quickly parked my truck and took off to the barn to help with a horse riding lesson. I slowed my pace and walked into the barn and immediately locked eyes with my grandfather.

"Your 15 minutes late!" He yelled with a loud, demanding voice.

"Sorry. My truck ran out of gas " I lied as I quickly made my way to the arena. He rolled his eyes and mumbled something under his breath that I couldn't make out. My grandfather was a big muscular guy with bad anger issues and scared me whenever he would get really mad. The only way I calmed myself down was that he would never hurt me, I'm his granddaughter, right? I pushed the thought out of my mind as I started the little girls riding lesson and luckily her parents were understanding of why I was late. My grandfather was not and made me stay up super late that night cleaning the barn.

"Ugh this sucks." I say as I finish sweeping the barn and wipe the sweat from my brow. I look at my watch and watch as it turns to midnight. I'm finally 18.

Hello Paige my name is Crystal, I am your wolf.

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