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!! please read this all the way through, all topics covered are really important !!

hi, it's me, i'm not dead lmao

ik i haven't updated in a while, i've just been busy with my personal life and other projects i've been working on. i do plan on finishing nightmare fuel, dw.

however, while i haven't updated in a while, this book has been getting a lot of activity still, which i'm super grateful for, because most of the people interacting have been super sweet, and i really appreciate all of the support

but obviously with all the positive stuff, there's gonna come some negativity, which i expected, but it doesn't really mean i have to tolerate it. this is my book, on my account. i give this content for free, so i think it's reasonable for me to set some rules.

first, and probably more important tbh, stop fucking sexualizing everything. it's weird and makes me very uncomfortable, not to mention my main characters are minors, very young ones at that, so that's bad in itself. i'm also a minor, and i'm sure most of the people commenting that stuff are like, under fifteen or sixteen. again, that's really really weird and illegal?? i've addressed this before, so just don't. if i see anyone pull something like that again they're getting blocked, it's gone too far.

edit: just to be clear, as of july 2021 i am not a minor ! but i still don't want to see weird sexual comments. it makes me uncomfortable either way. so don't do that :)))

second, this is not an x reader. i personally don't like to write those, just because it gives me less room to really develop a personality for who i'm writing about and makes them feel like less of a well-rounded character. i like my characters (key word: characters, not readers) to seem like real people with flaws and everything, so commenting stuff like "wow i would never do this" or "she's being dumb" or "i don't look like this" something just comes off as really rude to me.

like i know people commenting those things don't really mean any harm, but it's just unnecessary. i'm writing about a person who i made up, who i sort of based off of some of the characteristics i have myself. i get so many comments calling rory especially like dumb for not realizing something or making a mistake. of course she's not gonna know everything, she hasn't read the books, she doesn't have all the knowledge yet. and she's human, she's gonna make mistakes and misjudge other people's actions. this is supposed to be somewhat realistic, and if i made things happen too fast, it wouldn't make a very good story.

also, don't talk about or compare other stories here. i get that you guys like other books, and that's genuinely something great, but it's really rude to compare something that happened there to the events that'll take place here, or act like something that was canon in another story is canon here. and please don't self promote, those comments get deleted straight away.

one other big thing i've seen is arguments being started. those are super annoying, so if you see something you don't like, just leave it, you don't have to respond. just be the bigger person and keep scrolling.

trust me, i see and read every single comment. i try and reply to questions and respond to some, even though it's really hard since there's around 50k at the time i'm writing this. if you're being weird, again, you will get blocked. just be respectful, it's super easy and makes you feel a lot better than being mean.

finally, just some advice for the internet and life in general: don't be mean. it doesn't make you look cool to be cold and blunt, it just comes off rude and makes others a little uncomfortable. that includes swearing every other word.

if you see any comments that have the stuff i just mentioned, leave it alone, it's fine, i've already seen them. i'll be going through and deleting a bunch soon, so again, don't start conflict. i've got it all handled.

and if you have commented something like that, it's okay, i'm not mad. i'm just trying to prevent more. i really do appreciate all the support, from the bottom of my heart. i never thought nightmare fuel would get this far, so again, thank you <3

sorry for the rant, i just want to make this a good experience for me and for everyone else :)) happy reading

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