eight ; christmas

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Aurora Areli

AS DECEMBER WENT BY and Christmas came nearer, the weather became increasingly colder. Several feet of snow now covered the grounds and the lake had frozen solid.

Although I loved the cold weather and snow, I thought that the castle, apart from the Great Hall and the Gryffindor common room, was a little too close to freezing. I always made sure to wear extra layers and my warmest socks, especially during Professor Snape's classes, which were in the dungeons and were therefore extra cold.

One day, I was partnered with Harry for Potions, and I was watching him measure out our powdered spine of lionfish and trying to warm my hands over the cauldron when Malfoy decided to say something rude, as per usual.

"I do feel so sorry," he said, "for all those people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they're not wanted at home."

I scowled, noticing that Malfoy was looking in Harry's direction as he spoke. Ever since the Quidditch match, he had been even more unpleasant than usual.

Malfoy was obviously mad that Slytherin lost, and when he tried to get everyone laughing at how a wide-mouthed tree frog would be replacing Harry at the next match, he realized nobody found it funny. Everyone was too impressed that Harry had managed to stay on his broomstick.

This meant he was back to teasing Harry about having no proper family, which got me angry every time. Harry kept telling me to ignore Malfoy, but how could I just sit there while that pompous little git insulted my friends?

It was true though, Harry would be staying at Hogwarts for Christmas, along with Ron and his brothers, whose parents were going to Romania to visit his brother Charlie.

I was still scowling as Harry, Ron, Hermione and I left the dungeons after Potions, hugging my books close to my chest. Ahead of us, I could see a large fir tree blocking the corridor with two enormous feet sticking out of the bottom, and could hear a loud puffing sound.

This could only mean one thing: Hagrid.

"Hi, Hagrid, want any help?" Ron asked, sticking his head through the branches.

"Nah, I'm alright, thanks, Ron," Hagrid's loud voice responded.

"Would you mind moving out of the way?" drawled a cold, unfortunately familiar, voice from behind us. I groaned, and hit my head onto Harry's shoulder. Of course it had to be Malfoy again, and just when I thought I was done with him for the day.

"Are you trying to earn some extra money, Weasley?" the blond-haired prat jeered. "Hoping to be a gamekeeper yourself when you leave Hogwarts, I suppose — that hut of Hagrid's must seem like a palace compared to what your family's used to."

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