four ; teenage jealousy

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Aurora Areli

I TURNED MY HEAD towards the source of the voice. We were standing on what appeared to be a deserted stretch of misty moor. In front of us was a pair of tired and grumpy-looking wizards, one of whom was holding a large gold watch, the other a thick roll of parchment and quill. Both were dressed as Muggles; the man with the watch wore a tweed suit with thigh-length galoshes; his colleague, a kilt and a poncho. Based on what I had seen other Muggles wearing back at home, I could tell that they weren't dressing correctly.

"Morning, Basil," said Mr Weasley, picking up the boot and handing it to the kilted wizard, who threw it into a large box of used Portkeys beside him.

"Hello there, Arthur," Basil said wearily. "Not on duty, eh? It's all right for some . . . we've been here all night . . . you'd better get out of the way, we've got a big party coming in from the Black Forest at five fifteen. Hang on, I'll find your campsite . . . Weasley . . . Weasley . . ." He consulted his parchment list. "About a quarter of a mile's walk over there, first field you come to. Site manager's called Mr Roberts. Diggory . . . second field . . . ask for Mr Payne."

"Thanks, Basil," Mr Weasley said, and he beckoned all of us to follow him.

We set off across the deserted moor, unable to make out much through the misty morning air. After about twenty minutes, a small stone cottage next to a gate came into view. Beyond it, I could just make out the ghostly shapes of hundreds and hundreds of tents, rising up the gentle slope of a large field towards a dark wood on the horizon.

"See you, Rory," Cedric said, giving me a one-armed hug goodbye.

"Bye, Ced." I returned the gesture before pulling away and waving as he and his father walked away.

Hermione and Ginny were giggling when I turned back towards them, Ron was smirking, and Harry was looking especially grumpy as we approached the cottage door. I was about to ask him why, but Mr Weasley was already greeting the Muggle man in the doorway.

"Morning!" Mr Weasley greeted brightly.

"Morning," said the Muggle.

"Would you be Mr Roberts?"

"Aye, I would," Mr Roberts said. "And who're you?"

"Weasley — two tents, booked a couple of days ago?"

"Aye," said Mr Roberts, consulting a list tacked to the door. "You've got a space up by the wood there. Just the one night?"

"That's it," Mr Weasley confirmed.

"You'll be paying now, then?" Mr Roberts said.

"Ah — right — certainly —" Mr Weasley said. He retreated a short distance from the cottage and beckoned Harry towards him. I couldn't really make out what they were saying, but I could see the little papers that Muggles used as money from his pocket.

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