seven ; umbridge

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Aurora Areli

LAVENDER AND I IGNORED each other as we got dressed the next morning, which I was more than happy about. If either of us had tried to talk, I had a feeling it would have only ended in another argument.

When Hermione and I were ready, we left the dormitory to meet the boys down in the common room.

Harry and Ron were halfway across the circular room by the time we caught up to them, and as soon as they acknowledged us, I knew something was wrong. Harry looked extremely irritated, and Ron was watching him in concern.

"What's the matter?" Hermione asked Harry, as we continued towards breakfast. "You look absolutely — Oh for heaven's sake."

She was staring up at the common room noticeboard, where a large new sign had been put up.

"They are the limit," Hermione said grimly, taking down the sign, which had been pinned up over a poster giving the date of the first Hogsmeade weekend, which was to be in October

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"They are the limit," Hermione said grimly, taking down the sign, which had been pinned up over a poster giving the date of the first Hogsmeade weekend, which was to be in October. "We'll have to talk to them, Ron."

Ron looked positively alarmed.


"Because we're prefects!" Hermione said, as we climbed out through the portrait hole. "It's up to us to stop this kind of thing!"

Ron didn't respond. I could tell by his reluctant expression that the prospect of stopping Fred and George from doing whatever they wanted was not on his list of things he wanted to do.

"Anyway, what's up, Harry?" Hermione continued, as we walked down a flight of stairs that was lined with portraits of witches and wizards, all of whom ignored us. "You look really angry about something."

"Seamus reckons Harry's lying about You-Know-Who," Ron said succinctly, when Harry didn't respond.

I scowled at the memory of last night with Lavender, and Hermione sighed.

"Yes, Lavender thinks so too," she said gloomily.

"Been having a nice little chat with her about whether or not I'm a lying, attention-seeking prat, have you?" Harry said loudly.

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