four ; lessons

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Aurora Areli

I AWOKE THE MORNING following my journey to Hogwarts full of nerves. I would be starting my new magical classes that day, and the thought of finally being able to practice magic of my own was enough to get me out of bed to go to the showers.

Not even bothering with my hair, I reentered the dormitory and was greeted by Hermione, who was already dressed in her school robes and had been reading one of our textbooks.

I greeted her back and quickly dressed in our uniform, (now complete with a scarlet and gold striped tie).

"Do you want to go to breakfast?" I asked her while tying my shoes.

"Oh, yes, that's a good idea," said Hermione.

Together, we made our way down the spiral staircase and into the common room, where I saw Ron and Harry talking by the fireplace.

I smiled and waved to them as I followed Hermione out of the common room and into the Great Hall where breakfast was being served.

Hermione and I took our seats near the middle of the table where there were less people. Socializing wasn't one of my strong points, especially that early in the morning when there was virtually nothing in my stomach. Hermione didn't seem to mind, which was nice.

On our way down to the Great Hall, neither of us had really felt the need to say much, which was something I appreciated. I was worried that making friends involved a lot of carrying conversations, but she seemed to be in a similar boat as me. Slightly awkward, not knowing what exactly to say or when, and best of all, comfortable with silence. It seemed natural to walk together without many words being exchanged, only really speaking to figure out directions.

I had just served myself some toast when Professor McGonagall came by to give us our timetables. We thanked her, earning a nod in response before she left.

I read over my schedule, then handed it to Hermione for her to compare with her own.

"Oh, good, we have all the same classes," she said. "We should hurry up, though. I don't want to be late for Transfiguration."

"We should," I agreed. "Have you read all the books?"

"Of course, I've read them all twice," replied Hermione.

I grinned, liking her more and more.

Just then, I heard whispers erupt throughout the room. When I looked up, I saw that Harry and Ron had entered the Great Hall and were making their way to the Gryffindor table.

When Ron saw me, he nudged Harry and they both walked over and sat across from me and Hermione. She didn't look too thrilled by this, but didn't complain.

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