five - пять

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Finally, I was dropped off back at my apartment. My body ached and was sore from all the fighting. It had been years since the last time I did any hand to hand combat. I had to admit, the adrenaline from all the fighting had worn off, but that was the most exhilarated I had felt in awhile.

I fumbled for my keys, finally finding the key to my apartment and letting myself in. My apartment was the same. I probably should have cleaned up a bit but, the only thing I could think about was crashing.

I walked over to my couch and sat down, leaning back into it. It swallowed me and I closed my eyes for a second, before bending down to take off my boots.

When I finally had them unlaced I heard an extremely loud knocking coming front Nakajima's apartment. Quickly I stood up, walking to the door. I probably shouldn't have been eavesdropping but I couldn't help myself as I cracked my door listening.

"Nakajima?!" I recognized the voice to be Bucky's. He was calling out his name while rapping at the door. When Nakajima finally opened it Bucky sounded nervous, tripping over his own words. I almost shut the door but my curiosity got the better of me.

"I...I..uhm I forgot to pay you back for lunch the other day," I heard Bucky fumbling over his words. Nakajima simply laughed, and took the money. The two shared a goodnight and Mr. Nakajima shut his door.

I was about to close mine, but a hand pushed against my door. Looking up I met Bucky's eyes, making me jump. I clutched my chest opening the door all the way for him.

"Hey Lina.." he laughed softly. A small smile on his face. It was refreshing to see him with a smile, most of the day was spent seeing him with a cold stare or a look of quiet rage.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have been eavesdropping, I just...I uh," I gave him an awkward smile.

"It's fine, I actually wanted to thank you for helping Sam and I out today," he said scratching the back of his head.

I was shocked, I didn't expect him to thank me, or even acknowledge me really. I started feeling bad for how sassy I was today.

"You're welcome, I'm sorry if I was being a nuisance,"

"If?" Bucky laughed. My mouth dropped open not expecting him to make a joke.

"Jerk," I reached out to playfully shove his chest, but he caught my wrist before I could think. He loosened his grip letting me go. An awkwardness hung in the air now.

"So I wanted to ask you to come by and help us out with the flag smashers, you don't have to but Sam and I would appreciate your help," Bucky offered. I toyed it over in my mind for a second before nodding.

"Just please don't have someone come kidnap me this time?" I teased, earning a smile from Bucky.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," he smiled walking away from my door. He gave me a wave before walking away. I was about to walk into my apartment when I realized I had a question for him. I turned stepping outside.

"Wait!" I called after Bucky and he turned back around to me with a small smile on his face.


"Earlier, you told Walker not to call you Bucky.." his smile shifted and his lips curved down into almost a frown.

"Are you okay with me calling you Bucky?" I asked brushing my hair out of my face.

He let out a breathy laugh that made me laugh with him.

"My full name is James Buchanan Barnes, and yes you can call me Bucky," he smiled fiddling with his gloves. "Goodnight Lina,"

"Goodnight Bucky," I returned the smile before watching Bucky walk away.

I shut my door and felt my nerves rise quickly. I was nervous for for tomorrow, but also excited.

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