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Bucky and I took off running following after John. We eventually caught up to him and at the same time we entered the room where Karli and Sam were.

"Karli Morgenthau you are under arrest," John's voice boomed throughout the large room as he tried to run up on Karli.

"So this is what you were doing, buying time for your friends to get here?" Karli backed away from Sam debating whether to run. Bucky tried to pull John back but he was already running straight towards Karli. She landed a kick to his shield that sent him flying into the wall. Dust and drywall fell from the wall behind him as he fell to the floor. Karli turned and took off in a sprint in the opposite direction.

Bucky and I followed after her, jumping up and down from railings. Sam tried to find a short cut but the building were like a maze. The three of us moved in different directions trying to find Karli. Eventually we met up, and all three of us shared a look of frustration.

"I lost her," Bucky said going to look into a room beside us.

"No way really?" I asked sarcastically, Bucky turned shooting me a glare. I lifted my eyebrow with a look.

The sound of multiple gunshots echoed through the building.

"Come on, it sounds like it's coming from here!" I yelled taking off, Bucky and Sam close behind. I was following the sounds eventually getting close when they stopped as I turned a corner. Bucky put a finger to his lips, telling us to be quiet as we listened for them again.

Then the sound of glass shattering echoed, and I pushed Bucky and Sam down a hall to the right. We guessed where were heading, moving through several doors, when we were met with an unconscious Zemo, and John Walker who stood there looking very suspicious, and out of breath.

"What happened here?" Sam asked beside me.

"We are taking Zemo into custody," Walker said as Hoskins appeared at his side. I jumped down from the top of the stairs, landing between Zemo and Walker.

"Get out of my way," Walker seethed through clenched teeth.

"He's our only lead, and has proven himself useful," Bucky said jumping down behind me. He moved Zemo, picking him up and carrying his unconscious body over his shoulder before walking off.

"You can't-"

"You go cool off, figure out your next move, but for now Zemo is ours," I said putting my hand out blocking Walker as Bucky took Zemo up the stairs disappearing with Sam.

"You're making a mistake," Walker's words were slow as he spoke, looking down at me. Lemar pulled on his arm brining him back to him.

"John let's go," Lemar urged, John pointed a finger in my face clearly angry, before walking away with Lemar.

"Lina come on," Sam said from the top of the stairs. I jumped up to where Sam was before we both took off, making our way through the maze and to Zemo's house.


Sam and I sat at the table in the dining area. I was flipping through my phone and Sam was on the laptop messaging Sharon, asking her to keep an eye on Walker.

"Sam were you ever offered it?" Zemo's voice came out groggy as he laid out across the couch, whiskey in one hand and a cold rag on his head.

"What?" Sam said with a laugh.

"The serum," I said quietly looking up from my phone. Sam shook his head with a laugh turning from me to Zemo.


The Serum || b. barnesWhere stories live. Discover now