nine - девять

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The rest of the ride to the prison, was surprisingly light hearted and fun. Something I wouldn't have expected from the serious faced Bucky I had been teaming up with for the past few weeks. At one point during the drive, he even explained all of what Zemo did to brainwash, and use him to pit the Avengers against each other.

"You picked up a motorcycle and threw it, because you didn't get a popsicle?" Bucky laughed, looking like he was holding back tears.

"I told you as a kid, I was a little shit," I laughed pointing a finger at myself.

"I would say you still are a little shit," Bucky teased, a playful smirk on his face.

"Oh my gosh!" I laughed, going to swat Bucky's arm again but this time he caught my wrist, not in a death grip, but stopped me from hitting him.

"Stop hitting me, damn," Bucky laughed shaking his head.

"My bad, my bad," I laughed, Bucky let go of my hand.

The lighthearted air dissipated as we pulled up to the front gate of the prison. My demeanor changed completely, as did Bucky's.

We were up in the mountains now, it was chilly and there was snow everywhere. My little rental car barely made it. We parked and saw Sam finally catch up in a cab. Bucky and I got out of the car and as I went to lock it Bucky tossed my leather jacket at me.

"Thank you," I said catching it and pulling it on, before locking the car.

"Took you long enough," I teased walking over to Sam.

"Sorry a lot of shit is going on back home."

I nodded, understanding that family was everything to Sam. He may not be there all the time, but his sister and his nephew are the most important people in his life. Spending time with him over the fast few weeks, has shown me that.

"You ready?" Sam asked looking at Bucky and me. We nodded, Bucky took off leading the way, Sam and me behind him.

It took almost 30 minutes to check us in and get us to the guard who would take us to Zemo's cell. The main hassle was Bucky's arm, it took 20 minutes and some intimidation on Buck's part to explain that the arm was apart of him and didn't have any contraband inside.

We finally made it to the first set of doors that would take us to meet Zemo. I started to feel nervous, and angry. This was the man that tried to end the Avengers, the man who used Bucky like he was a toy.

The guard was about to take us through the first set of doors, when Bucky put his arm out, stopping Sam and I.


"You two go back outside, I'm going to talk to him alone," Bucky said. I shook my head in disbelief at the same time Sam scoffed.

"What why?" Sam asked taking a step back.

"You're an avenger, and it'll just be better if I go in alone,"

"Like you two have always had fun times together," Sam rolled his eyes and I nodded along with his statment. Bucky didn't say anything, just stood like a statue. I looked over his features, he looked at me almost as if he had some plan he wasn't telling us. I sighed rolling my eyes.

"Come on Sam, let Summer Soldier do his thing," I said pulling on Sam's jacket. Sam let out a small laugh.

"Summer Soldier, that's cute," Sam said linking arms with me, and pointing at me with a smile on his face.

"Lina," Bucky groaned in that lovely little snarky annoyed voice of his.

"We'll see you outside," I winked at Buck as we walked away. Bucky smiled before following the guard into the first set of doors and disappearing.

A guard escorted Sam and I out of the facility. Once we made it outside, I pointed at my car telling Sam to hop in while we wait for Bucky's plan to unfold. I started the car and put the heater on for a bit warming my hands.

"How was the ride up here, with Summer soldier?" Sam asked wiggling his eyebrows with a smirk on his face.

"It was fun actually," I smiled at Sam, wiggling my eyebrows back, before leaning back in the drivers seat.

"How is Sarah?" I asked looking over at him. He breathed a deep sigh before pinching the bridge of his nose.

"She's killing me, that's how she is," Sam chuckled, "She wants to sell my family boat, and of course we need the money, but the damn bank what even give me a loan." Sam's threw his hands up in there out of frustration.

"An avenger can't get a loan?" I asked in disbelief.

"They need bank statements more current than six years ago, but you know I kind of wasn't paying my bills for like 5 years..." he said rubbing his hands down his face.

"Oh my god are you serious?" I asked sitting up, he looked at me with wide eyes and an annoyed expression as he nodded.

"That's messed up," I scoffed.

"You're telling me," Sam nodded leaning his arm up on the door. Then out came Bucky, his face set in stern look. His lips pinched in a straight line.

As if I was a getaway car, I started my engine and backed up swinging by Bucky, so he could just hop in the backseat. He opened the door. and almost slammed it on his way in. He moved to the middle back seat, stretching his legs best he could, as I drove off.

"How'd it go?" Sam asked turning his head slightly, glancing at Bucky. I watched him through the rear view mirror.

"I got an address," Bucky said adjusting his jacket.

"What is it?" I asked taking my phone out of the little stand, to text.

Bucky leaned forward between the seats best he could, and grabbed my cell phone out of my hand.

"Bucky!" I said reaching my hand back. He swatted my hand away with his real hand.

"You focus on the road, I'll type it in," Bucky pointed towards the road.

"Do you even know how to use that?" I asked peering at him through my rear view mirror. Bucky shot me a glare, before looking down at my phone.

I gave him a look, as I watched him try for a second figuring out where to type it in. Bucky let out a defeated sigh.

"Sam," Bucky leaned forward handing him the phone. Sam and I shared a smirk before laughing.

"If we had an actual map, I could tell you actual directions," I laughed sarcastically at Bucky, making eye contact with him through the mirror.

"Okay sure," I said, as Bucky read Sam the address.

"You're lucky I don't kill people anymore," Bucky snarked with a sassy half smile. Sam looked up at me from my phone after picking a route for the address with a goofy grin on his face.

"It's because he's the Summer soldier now," Sam remarked, making both of us laugh so hard I snorted. The snort earned a smile from Bucky, he just shook his head looking at me in the mirror again.

"Would you just drive please," Bucky begged, stretching his arms out over the backseats.

"Yes sir," I spoke in a deep voice. We drove off, following the route to Bucky's address.

The drive was quiet, nothing too memorable, but every time I looked back in the rear view, I would catch Bucky already looking at me. A smile on his face, and I couldn't tell why.

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