A Plan (Chapter 2)

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Gawain peels the hide off of a loaf of bread, while I elevate a shovel of stew to my lips. The request for some mead stirs fury within the barmaid. Merlin tells me her name is Julah; the daughter of an unknown merchant, and a girl with a crush on Gawain; any sort of female contact he has, stabs her with jealousy. I don't know Gawain at all, but my impression has been that he drinks far too much. I will have to tell Julah she doesn't have to worry.

"What is your plan for lodgings?" Merlin's expression is laced with concern, and an essense of reluctance. "What sort of abbilities do you have?"

Employment never crossed my mind; my plan to freedom isn't exactly as formal as my imagination. I am childish, and reckless to walk into Camelot without...I try to conjur ideas from the wind.

"I will stay here until I find work." My voice is void of confidence.

"I'm sure Arthur could give her something to do." Gawain winks at Merlin, which I am sure is an inside joke. "She could lift some of your load. You were just telling me yesterday--."

Merlim cuts Gawain off by shoving a twig of bread into his mouth. I take a swig of my water to cover my amusment.

"Who is Arthur?" I ask, after Gawain stops choking.

"Um," Merlin swallows. "I am King Arthur's manservant."

I freeze mid spoonful. King? THAT Arthur? I cannot recall my mother ever meeting the previous King of Camelot, let alone King Arthur, but there is alway the shard of a chance. Arthur would recognize me if this is the case.

"In fact, Arthur is over there." Merlin jerks his thumb behind his head towards a solid male with pirate treasure for hair. Arthur responds to his name and stares at me, then merlin, then continues on with his game of dice. Panic ties my nerves into knots. Arthur didn't recognize me now, but I am thinking a closer look would set his recognition back into wack. I am being paranoid, and overcautious, and I know it. There is a slim chance we ever met if I don't recall myself. The Evil Queen is infamous in every kingdom. My mother, in a constant rage, and quite broken if I am to be honest. I try to smother the twitching of my fingers, bringing my face back to a neutral demeanor.

"King Arthur, in a tavern?" I arch an eyebrow.

"Yes, and he complains about me coming here a lot, which I don't." A precise count of six silent moments pass before Merlin asks, "How about it?"

"About what?"

"Arthur giving you a job?" More crickets.

"I don't know, I don't have many abilities."

"Not even one?" Yes, I have magic. Magic is illegal here in Camelot, and I rejoice. I have had enough of my mother trying to convince me to allow my emotions to drive my powers. Many things can become lost in the path of shadow; I refuse to stumble. I never excelled with any other talents, because I have been a princess my entire life. I could tell Merlin I am good at brushing hair, or horseback riding, or hunting; I am pretty good at hunting I suppose.

I take another bite of stew to stall for one more second of thought. "Hunting?" I say. "Reading?"

I toss suggestions to the stale air, but they become a vapor. Pitiful talents for a girl. Embroidery could have saved me, but I loath every stitch if it. I'm not even good at it. My brain is clueless as to why I am frustrated; the offer is spewing opportunity. More scary thoughts conquor me.

"Really? You like to hunt?"

"Yes, though I wish I had remembered to bring my bow and arrows. I could have had rabbit for dinner these past four nights."

"So, you were out in the woods with no weapon?" Gawain garumphed.

"I was rather in a hurry." My argument is flimsy, but it was true. My mother is plotting something, and I have an idea that it will be inescapable once enacted. No...it already is impossible to overthrow. "But enough about my lack of a weapon; Merlin, you say Arthur could find me work?" I decide to be brave for once; that, and I wanted to change the subject away from my incompetence.

"Yes, but in the mean time, you should meet Gaius." Merlin beames. "He is the court physician. You can stay with us until you find work, and I will talk to Arthur tomorrow."

"But isn't Arthur right there?" I point to the coin-haired gentleman playing dice. Merlin chuckles.

"Yes, but you don't want to ask him anything the same day after he's been at the tavern."

I take my last bite of stew, then I guzzled the remains of my water. Is Arthur one of those grumpy types when he has a hangover?

"Alright, lead the way Merlin." My right eye winks at him. I have a confidence in his presence I cannot understand. Normally, I am paralyzed at the sight of anyone.

"With pleasure, Tia."

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