Lorna (Chapter 8)

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"I'll have you know, I don't like it." Disbelief radiates from my features. Julah, the barmaid, shoved passed me and Lorna with a huff. "I don't like the fact you are talking to the likes of'er grandmother."

"Why is that my dear?" Lorna is gentle in her tone as she receives payment from another satisfied customer; she only turns to face Julah when the young lass juts her index finger in front of my face.

"I don't trust this new comer." The black beauty responded. "Flirts with all the men in a bad way if you know what I mean." I raise an eyebrow at the accusation. Indignation simmers in my stomach. I have never flirted a day in my life...I don't think... at least...I'm not an expert. I've never even had my first kiss.

"Did she get too close to Sir Gawain?" The question Lorna asks her granddaughter at last strikes the girl dumb. Anger flares in her hazel irises; they almost outshine the delicate gold chains brushing against her neck. Earrings were never my style back home, or even now in Camelot. I speak up.

"Julah, I assure you, I have no interest in the knight. Merlin and Gawain only kept me company because, you are right, I am new here, and they offered to speak to the king for employment on my behalf." I breathe in to savor the silence before sighing at the furrowed brows stoic before me. "That is all. There was nothing else." The girl's expression softens then she stares at the dirt floor of the tiny fabric tent; she avoids my gaze before she sinks down onto the padded stool behind a display table.

"Fine, I'll watch the tent for you grandmother. Come back safe." Julah glares in my direction, and Lorna leads me in the direction to where their home is. I take the small journey as an opportunity to smell the local breads and watch the children once again. When we get there, the wooden door makes a clunk against the wall. Lorna wastes no time before seating me down and flitting about the kitchen. The room resembles Gaius's chambers. Herbs hang in all the corners and books occupy any space existent. I can get used to it. I have not read many books, but enjoyed the ones I did read back home.

"You served my family?" The curiosity crackles deep in my bones. I cannot waste another second stalling this conversation. Lorna's duty of slicing a fresh loaf halts; her gray head bows down.

"Yes, I did child." She begins. "I served the royal family for more than twenty-five years. I was a nanny to Snow White, and even you...I was a cook, a scullery maid, a lady's maid, or anything one could imagine within those walls and in all stages of life."

My lips curl upward in the heat of the thought; I don't remember this ancient one, but I know I like her. I trust her a bit more than I did minutes ago, but I still have my doubts...I always do. Fears seem to be my world so far.

"...but my mother?" I finish for her. The ancient one nods before continuing her story.

"She saw me as a threat to her daughter's future. I recall she had great plans for you; she believed you needed to be prepared to be the queen she felt you were destined to be; her quest for revenge changed everything, and she banished me from the Enchanted forest." Lorna sets a plate of bread and cheese onto the table and gestures for me to eat.

"Thank you." I focus once again on the conversation. Sadness pierces my heart to think my mother had everything planned out for my life. I still fear that may be more true even now than I realized before. "Lorna, I don't remember you. How old was I when you left?"

"Oh, about eight years-old I suppose." She chuckles. "I have changed quite a bit since then, more wrinkles and the like. I recall your bouncy curls and wild feet exploring all the turrets of the castle. We went to gaze at the stars together often. You always asked me 'Lorna, is the sky where diamonds come from?', and I could not stop the love I felt as the moon lit your face and the crested flags fluttered in the midnight air. You overflowed with wonder. It broke my heart to leave."

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