Emrys (Chapter 6)

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Restlessness breaks me into a sweat. Time beats by like a broken drum. Rest is not something I will find here is it? I walk to the little window in Merlin's room. Dawn is approaching, but the sun has a few hours before it he will greet the morning dew, sleeping in the grass.

"You poor, dissobediant child." My throat clenches at the sound of her voice behind me. She is here. I dare not turn around to meet her cold gaze. A second reminds me the importance of protecting my heart, but doing that requires the use of magic. I overcome the temptation to use the power burning my veins.

"Mother." My lips tremble from a chill creeping down the back of my shirt. "W-what are you doing here? It's a l-lovely surprise."

"You never were good at lying to your mother." Slender fingers, with perfectly sharp fingernails, curls a strand behind my ear.

"Come home darling." My entire being tells me to go with her, but a whisper of hope ignites what dignity I have left.

"No." I say quietly, as to not wake Merlin, Gaius, or the knights. Fear plummets from my stomach to my throat as her expression darkens.

"I need you home Teagan. I am planning something, and I need your support."

"Is this a plan to harm Snow White?"

"Of course it is a plan to kill Snow White." I steel my nerves against fear, and I do the unspeakable...treason.

"Then I will never go back with you." A flash of pain pierces my mother's countenence, before her words quake in fury.

"I will give you one more chance. If you are not back in the course of four weeks, I will bring you home by force!"

An abrupt knock raps at the door, and my mother is gone in a puff of smoke just before Merlin pokes his head in.

"Tia, is everything alright? I heard voices." Merlin sees my distress as my eyes flicker with tears. Why did she have to come here?

"Merlin." His name on my lips forms out as an unintelligible whisper. "She was here."

"Who was as here?" Merlin walks closer, almost frantic at my display of terror. "Was it Morgana?" Morgana, that was the name I had a hard time remembering earlier. Confusion contorts my face, as the possibility as to why Morgana would be in my room at night, the idea makes no sense, but then again nothing seems to make sense right now.

"No, it was my mother." I can't believe I tell him this. Merlin, a servant to the king, and I am telling him my mother payed me a visit.

"Your mother?" This is when I sit on his bed, and hug my legs. The comfort of my own warmth, and protecting my heart from being stolen. The Evil Queen could change her mind and decide to use my heart against me, and others within Camelot.

"Tia, please let me help you." Merlin gifted me a warm smile, and I want to trust him. Maybe Emrys could help me...but I have never met him in my life. How would I be able to confide in him?

"I can't." I am breaking, I can sense it. I need to stand firm in my decision. He cannot know.

"Tia, what happened? Did she threaten you?" My head is buried in my knees, and I don't answer. He tilts my head up by my chin.

"Please don't ask me Merlin." I am lightheaded, and the death-quiet of the room speeds my breath.

"Your mother is the queen you spoke of isn't she?" Merlin frowned at me, telling me I had better tell him everything.

"How do you know that?" My earlier fears have returned. I will be banished from Camelot, executed, or worse!

"You have nothing to fear from me." Merlin holds my hand, and my breath stops. "You see,Tia, I followed you the night you came."

What was he talking about? The dragon? He knows about Kilgarrah, and I have no defense. I didn't even ask to speak with him, he had prodded me away from my warm bed by his incessant yelling at of my name.

"I don't know what you are talking about." When he bows his head I know he knows I am lying.

"The dragon told you to find Emrys."

"Yes." I finally admit; his ocean crest eyes make my insides flutter.

"You have already found him." Something within me snaps. He said something to me I know is important, but my mind is blank.


"I am Emrys, and if we can figure out what Kilgarah is trying to communicate, we can perhaps settle some of our questions." My question is 'How on earth can you be Emrys?!', but I stay silent while I stare at him. I have been struck dumb.

"Come with me." Merlin leads me out of Gaius's chambers, and after several minutes, when we approach the clearing, he turns to me. He is wary of something.


"I know you have magic Tia, and so do I." He has magic?! I begin to walk away, but he runs out in front of me.

"I am done with magic Merlin! I would suck them out of me if I could." I sneak around him.

"Does that mean you are evil? What about me? Am I like your mother?" My heart drops, and rage pricks at me. I spin to face him, but my anger is contained. It would have been better if I had been more careful. I regret admitting things about Emrys, and that my mother was here.

"No, you are far from what she is." I say reluctantly.

"Then please, trust me."

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