Decisions (Chapter 9)

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Two days of wringing my hands into knots, I finally received my gown from Lorna and an additional black dress for mourning. The second I received a face full of garnet fabric I knew it was Julah who delivered the both of them. The woman still refused to remain civil. I rolled my eyes when merlin smirked, seated in a gloomy corner of Gaius's chambers.

"Could you possibly do me a favor?" Fists resting on my hips, I stifled boiling frustration. "Could you please talk Gawaine into taking that girl to the banquet?"

"What makes you think he'll listen to me?" Merlin acted innocent. I offered him a desperate look, and my warlock nodded in compliance.

"Thank you." My hands trembled; he was staring at me again. The expression I have seen from him the past couple of days resembled something akin to respect and adoration. My imagination must have run away with me again.

Making my way into Merlin's room, I began to untie my hair until black crests rippled down my back. A flurry of relief settled about my shoulders. The gown was perfect. The style showcased a not too fancy and not too drab breath of fresh air. An honest dread of yet another session of endless measurements and needles melted away. After folding the gown, I then slipped into the mourning dress. The next few minutes were spent weaving waves into tiny braids to act as a headband from ear to ear. Elyan's grieving ceremony would be in an hour.

I left the warlock's tiny world to see him conversing with Gwen, Arthur, and Gaius. With no notice of my presence, I collected the basket of delicate white flowers for decorating Elyan's resting place. I volunteered to do so, and I needed to get it done before they placed his body in it. Heads turned to meet me. Merlin smiled and I returned it. Gwen swept forward to speak with me as the men continued to discuss, for the fifth time, the order of the ceremony. The queen clasped my hands in hers, tears brimming, before I could even dream of a courtesy.

"You name is Tia?" She asked me. The touch of my voice in return seemed distant and quiet.

"Yes," All anxiety of anyone knowing my identity drowned in the pain I knew these people were feeling. "It is an honor to be in your presence just now your majesty." The basket lifted slightly as I recalled the texture of the handle. An air of unmet comfort settled in silence. The queen noticed baby's breath and ivory lilies peeking out from the crunchy rim.

"I wish to thank you for your sensitivity and loyalty. I know you have not been here for very long, but you shall be rewarded for your kindness to the royal family." I heard her heartbeat, or maybe it was my own. Reality behind her regard struck terror in my bones. The webbed nerves coating my neck tingled. Something was amiss, but I didn't know what it was yet. I shook my head as if nothing was wrong.

"My lady, recognition is not necessary. I do this because wish to, not because I seek reward."

"I, of all people, appreciate your attitude, but reward you we will." A blush bloomed vibrant as a candle on my cheeks. I had forgotten the queen was once a servant. I politely bow my head and then Gwen excuses me to leave.

The boat, barren and awaiting an honored knight and beloved brother, gleamed from fresh carvings. "Exquisite" was the only way to describe the beauty of craftsmanship I beheld. I knelt on the cobblestone as I began to intricately twine daisys along the ends of the boat. The daisy represented "innocence" and "hope." Lavender, standing for "devotion" and "virtue," fanned above where Elyan's head would rest. Dahlias, for "dignity," made into a soft pillow. The purity of the white roses along the inside edges became a nice touch. A new beginning. This was not the end for Elyan; his memory would always live on as we drew in breath. I gathered petal remnants which disrupted the cleanness of the stones before I looked up to see Leon leading a cluster of knights towards me. The dark skin of Elyan's face gleamed with the morning sun. He was regal. He was quite handsome, and my eyes cast down as I stepped away from the boat. Merlin told me the young man died protecting his sister from a sword. A sword Enchanted to fight till the death. Morgana had kidnapped the queen and hid her away in the Dark Tower. Merlin had been told one of them would perish, but he held no idea as to who it would be. My heart broke for everyone, but most of all, for Merlin. He knew someone would die, but he could not tell anyone without fear of his magic being known. His friend. I wondered how many he had lost before this. I wondered how his destiny was revealed to him. I had so many questions.

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