Note of Disclaimer

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I just wanted to warn you before you ready any further. For some obvious reasons, I needed to write this note because I finally found an outlet of how I was going to continue this story, and it will contain some triggering themes such as self-harm, depression, and eating disorders. I do not claim for everything to be completely accurate in these instances or scenarios, but I am going to try my best. It mostly happens this way because of some other ideas I have. I just had this image of Tia in a padded cell, and talking to Merlin while in there, but no one can see him, and there is a reason why the story is going to take this turn. Please bear with me. Thank you so much for reading this story, and feel free to comment or offer some constructive criticism. I admit I am just writing this story out till it is finished, so at some point I may go back and do some editing. Y'all get the raw content I produce. Also, another warning, her personality, may be a tad different when she is in the real world, so be ready to see some major character development later.

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